Post Magazine

January 2016

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N E X T I S S U E The world of post production is large, but Post magazine brings it to you in a comprehensive and easily-manageable way. MATERIALS CLOSE: F E B RUA RY 1 9 SPACE CLOSE: F E B RUA RY 1 3 I SS U E DAT E : M A RC H MARI KOHN 818. 291.1153 GARY RHODES 631. 274.9530 LISA NEELY 818.660. 5828 WILLIAM RITTWAGE, PRESIDENT/CEO 818. 291.1111 CO N TACT U S A B O U T P R I N T & O N L I N E A DV E RT I S I N G O P P O RT U N I T I ES : P O S T M A G A Z I N E . C O M POST OSCAR REPORT A look at the year's winning films DIGITAL INTERMEDIATES On- and near-set solutions PREVIS/POSTVIS Essential tools that help studios streamline production AUDIO FOR GAMES & APPS Creating original soundtracks that entertain SOUND LIBRARIES The latest in production music and sound effects STORAGE SUPPLEMENT Post's annual roundup and report NAB PREVIEW An early look at this year's newest offerings WHAT'S ONLINE NAB Preview SEPTEMBER PLUS: EVEREST DIRECTOR BALTASAR KORMAKUR PRIMETIME: FOX'S EMPIRE VFX: MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. REVIEW: EIZO COLOREDGE 4K MONITOR SPECIAL REPORT: 4K/HDR-PART II MONSTER MASH WORLDS COLLIDE IN THE CG HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2

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