The Tasting Panel magazine

January 2016

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LIQUEURS Paul Zahn is on a mission. The Brand Ambassador for Midori is ready to change the industry's perception of the Japanese melon liqueur as part of the "Say Moshi Moshi to Midori" nationwide campaign. "I want bartenders to know the heritage of Midori—it debuted back in 1978 at Studio 54—and I want them to be able to experience the versatility of the spirit and utilize it in a variety of cocktails," Zahn explains. Most bartenders might not know that the emerald green liqueur is made from musk and canta- loupe melons, both of which are considered prized delicacies in Japan. They also might not know that Midori has 50 percent less sugar than the original recipe, making it even easier to use behind the bar. "I love how different accounts use it in different ways, and it complements so many other brands under the Beam Suntory umbrella," continues Zahn. "My personal favorite is the Midtown Muse, made with Midori and Yamazaki Whisky," both spirits from parent company Beam Suntory. EXPLORING THE ADAPTABILITY OF THE VIBRANT MELON LIQUEUR by Jesse Hom-Dawson / photos by Cal Bingham Midori Midori Brand Ambassador Paul Zahn with his cocktail Midtown Muse, made with Midori and Yamazaki Whisky. A Million Ways to 68  /  the tasting panel  /  january-february 2016

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