The Tasting Panel magazine

Jan 2010

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4 / the tasting panel / january–february 2010 FROm The PUBLISHEr 2010 IS The yeAR OF The WOMAN IN WINE AND SPIrITS a s a woman in wine and spirits, I am proud to declare the entire year for us. We certainly have reason to celebrate. Having long ago stepped out of the shadows, women are now an indis- pensable presence and unstoppable force in the business. As we mark the end of a ten-year period during which our industry has seen triumphs, but has also been challenged and evolved, we can look back with pride at our many accomplishments. And our growing numbers, whose footsteps—stiletto-heeled or otherwise—are followed through our writing, leadership, education, winemaking and mixology, will surely be vaulted to an even greater level of importance in the next decade. So let's start the year with a conscious group effort to re-energize the biz. Here at the magazine, with our own tremendous surge in national circu- lation—tripled over the past three years since we transformed Patterson's into THE TASTING PANEL—we have generated enough infl uence and garnered enough of a following to make these kinds of declarations with confi dence. And now we have a much larger readership to take note. The expanding and newly empowered role of women in our industry should also set an example for others who are just making their way up the ranks. The women we will showcase this year will be chosen for their accomplishments as individuals; in truth, our theme is as much about in- novation as it is about personality. We are excited to highlight women's signifi cant place in our industry not only through year-long editorial, but also through a totally unique tasting experience showcasing women in wine. This concept event will take place around the country in cities such as Los Angeles, San Fran- cisco, New York, Miami, Chicago, Seattle and Washington, D.C. We'll keep you posted! And let me thank all of the open-minded men in our business who can appreciate the message here: We need one another so we can grow together and be the true gatekeepers for every type of consumer out there. To quote CEO Daniel R. Scroggins of T.G.I. Friday's: "The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at it through their eyes." Read, become as educated as you can, be great ambassadors for your brands, your companies, your restaurants and your retail stores and develop into the best possible type of salesperson: the one who believes in whatever she or he represents. Happy New Year! Meridith May Publisher/Executive Editor we Do Declare:

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