The Tasting Panel magazine

Jan 2010

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january–february 2010 / the tasting panel /  63 FLavor FinDs Eric Simpkins, Bar Su- pervisor of Drinkshop at the W Atlanta Downtown, crafts his complex Fox Rose Fizz using house- made ginger syrup PHOTOS: ERIK S. LESSER BaR MaVens aCRoss The CounTRY DeMonsTRaTe ThaT gInger goes WiTh eVeRYThing by Camper English S ome cocktail flavor trends like bacon and smoke go in and out of fashion fast, but ginger-tinted drinks just keep branching out onto cocktail menus across the country. Of course, ginger is not a new flavor in libations; the very first bartender's guide, Jerry Thomas's How to Mix Drinks, included a ginger syrup recipe. The classic Buck cock- tail is ginger beer mixed with any spirit and a splash of lime, and the Moscow Mule is only a Vodka Buck that became popular after Prohibition. ginger Jones

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