The Tasting Panel magazine

Jan 2010

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 / the tasting panel / january–february 2010 contents 48 Cover Feature THE YEAR OF THE WOMAN IN WINE 5 UpFront: All in the Family Chris Hanna keeps the family-owned spirit alive at Hanna Winery & Vineyards 36 Seine City e City of Lights is reflected in the City at Never Sleeps at PARIS LAS VEGAS 54 Dallas Cheer Leaders A look at four female food-and-wine professionals who keep the Dallas dining scene fired up 56 The Women of Paso Robles 60 The Mule's New Kick e classic Moscow Mule cocktail goes authentic with Russian Standard Vodka 63 Ginger Jones Bar mavens across the country demonstrate that ginger goes with everything 66 A New Spin on Gin 70 Surf's Up in Western Australia Australia's Margaret River is on the verge of the big time 86 Tropical Sippers e Wailea cocktail scene offers the local taste of Maui 88 Let Freedom Clink Repeal Day 2009 was a nationwide party with a purpose 96 Spirited Career Building e USBG launches independent accreditation for a growing industry | January-February 2010 Volume 68 Nos. 1-2 DEPARTMENTS 4 Letter from the Publisher 10 Industry Spotlight 14 Brief Encounters 22 Steven Spurrier's Letter from London 24 Intro-Vinous: Merus 28 Education: Hell's Kitchen Lite 32 Non-Alcohol Beverages 34 Scotch Report 40 Blue Reviews 44 Publisher's Picks 46 Gadd's Sixpack 59 New York Scene 68 Cellar Focus: T orrontés Spain: 72 Riber a del Duero 73 Rioja Brand Spotlights: 74 Mini Spots 75 Nadared Vodka 77 ChocoVine 79 Tito's Vodka 82 Van Gogh Vodka 76 Events 78 San Francisco Scene 84 The Spirit of Service 90 Chef Talk: Guy Savoy 91 On the Road: TPM Tour 94 Competition 98 PR O-File 48 FEATURES

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