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Winter 2015 | 27 In Memory Each year WEA gathers names of educators we have lost in the previous year, and presents a memorial slide show at Delegate Assembly. If you have any names to include from 2015, please email the name, position and school to WEA Constitutional Amendment Vote Results There were a total of 962 valid ballots cast in the election. The results are as follows: ARTICLE VI: INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Section 1 – Procedure Ten percent (10%)of the active members of any one region, provided that these include ten (10) or more from each of at least three (3) local associations, may propose any measure by petition or may request a referendum upon any act of the Delegate Assembly or of the WEA Board. Such initiative or referendum shall be submitted by the WEA Board to a vote of the active members of the Association, either at a general meeting or by mail SECRET ballot, not later than the next annual election and allowing at least 30 days notice to the membership. YES, change to SECRET– 67% NO, leave as Mail– 33% ARTICLE VII: AMENDMENTS Section 2 – Bylaws Amendments The Bylaws of the Association may be amended by THE DELEGATE ASSEMBLY WITH a AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF two-thirds (2/3) OF THE DELEGATES PRESENT vote in the Delegate Assembly, provided that the text of the amendment and references showing wherein it differs from the provisions in effect shall have been published as provided in the Bylaws. YES, Change– 81% NO, Leave as is– 19% Both proposed constitutional amendments passed.