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Winter 2015 | WEAnews 26 Announcements 2016 WEA Election STATE OFFICES: WEA ESP Statewide Representative 2-Year Term WEA Ethnic Minority Statewide Representative 2-Year Term WEA Higher Education Statewide Representative 2-Year Term State Delegates to NEA Representative Assembly Category 1 (2-year term) up to 5 delegates Category 2 (1-year term) 1 delegate Region Cluster Delegates (1-year term) includes Certified and ESP members who belong to a local with less than 75 members. Central Region Cluster 1 delegate Northeast Region Cluster 1 delegate Northwest Region Cluster 3 delegates Southeast Region Cluster 1 delegate Southwest Region Cluster 2 delegates NEA RA ESP State Cluster Delegate (ESP Members with no local) 1 delegate CENTRAL REGION Central Region Representative 2-year term NORTHEAST REGION Northeast Region President 2-year term Northeast Region Vice President 2-year term NORTHWEST REGION Northwest Region President 2-year term Northwest Region Representative 1-year term SOUTHEAST REGION Southeast Region President 2-year term Southeast Region Vice President 2-year term Southeast Region Representative 2-year term SOUTHWEST REGION Southwest Region Representative 2-year term Commitment to excellence is best practiced as an engaged advocate. The following positions will be up for election in April 2016. If you're interested in putting YOUR membership into action, contact President Vetter (kvetter@ or Membership Specialist Linda Bottom ( for more info! The deadline for nominations is February 19, 2016. NOTICE FOR MINORITY PARTICIPATION IN THE NEA REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY The Wyoming Eduction Association strongly encourages ethnic minority members of the Wyoming Education Association to seek election as a delegate to the National Education Association Representative Assembly as part of the WEA Ethnic Minority Plan: Section 10 (pg 101) #4.