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Winter 2015 | WEAnews 16 Action WEA Legislative Recalibration Update At the conclusion of the final meeting of the Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration, held in Casper on November 16-17, the committee ultimately found that there was insufficient evidence to warrant a change from the current funding model (Legislative Model) to the consultants' 2015 funding model (Evidence-Based Model). The committee will provide a final report to the entire legislature that includes a comparison of the Legislative Model and the Evidence- Based Model and that exemplifies the findings that the current funding structure should be continued. The Regional Cost Adjustment (RCA) will also be updated, and those numbers will be included in the committee's final report. The RCA will then be reviewed every two years by the Joint Education Committee as an interim topic. A new school finance recalibration bill will be drafted prior to the budget session, incorporating the findings from the Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration. The WEA would like to thank all the committee members for their work and careful consideration of students and education funding in Wyoming. Committee members faced an arduous task during the interim, heading into difficult fiscal times for Wyoming, but remained focused on the students of Wyoming. These committee members deserve a big "Thank you!" Included on the next page is a sample letter that you may find useful when contacting legislators. WEA Government Relations Director Ken Decaria testifies before the Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration UPCOMING Joint Appropriations Committee Meeting January 11-22 in Cheyenne Legislature Convenes February 8