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LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS CALL OR EMAIL TODAY to place your ad in our next issue February/March Close: Jan. 22 - Release: Feb. 2 310.425.3056 RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW! AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY - ALEXANDRA JULIANI LEARN TO HEAL WITH YOUR HANDS THROUGH REIKI Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing modality that uses "univer- sal life-force energy" to clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks for greater wellbeing and harmony. The American Reiki Acad- emy holds weekly classes in which anyone can become certified to practice Reiki for self-healing or healing others. Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani is a gifted healer, teacher, and clairaudient channel in direct lineage of Dr. Usui, original Reiki Grandmaster. With over 25 years experience in Reiki, Ms. Juliani has trained thousands of people worldwide to become accom- plished Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters. • REIKI I, II, & MASTER- SHIP CLASSES • REIKI HEALING SESSIONS • REIKI PRACTICE CIRCLES 310-397-2405 AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director Past Life Regression and Manifestation Consulting Dolores Cannon-trained Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner offers sessions in Los Angeles and New York. If you would like to connect with your higher self and soul purpose and remove any obstacles blocking spiritual growth, this could be life changing. Andy has specialized in helping creative people in the arts, fashion and en- tertainment find their deepest authenticity and has guided them to express it for 18 years. He has been a QHHT practitioner for almost 5 years and became a Level 3 practitioner in September, 2015 . If you are ready to go deep, now is the time! 212-505-7729 Andy Sway-Level 3 QHHT Practitioner professional services directory Training & Certification Akashic Records Readings & Trainings with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT, C.Ht. Accelerate your spiritual and personal evolution by directly accessing the Akashic Records, your Soul's energy-archive of all lifetimes. Certified Advanced Teacher Barbara Schiffman leads Akashic Prac- titioner Trainings and Akashic Healing workshops utilizing Linda Howe's Pathway Prayer Process. Info: "The combination of knowledge and power found in the Records activates the highest good of all." —Linda Howe, How to Read the Akashic Records Call for current schedule of Akashic Practitioner Certification Train- ings, Healing Through the Akashic Records weekends & other Akashic events in California (LA, Burbank, Irvine) & beyond. Private Readings and Life&Soul Coaching also available. 818.415.3479 Therapy & Counseling december/january 2016 39