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SEX TALK By Wendy Strgar another, and in so doing, the truth of the greater universe in which we are all one is revealed. Overcoming the challenge of fi nding this transcendent orgasm begins with a simple practice of discovering our innate ability to let go. Start by developing a daily routine of becoming familiar with the physical cues that can help you recognize where and how stress lives in your body, and practice letting it go, even if only for a minute at time. Not only is this a secret to graceful aging, but even more pro- foundly, this practice of release opens us to the mysteri- ous and compelling territory of experiencing sexual pleasure. Learning how to let go of our need to, and belief in our own control is simultaneously the path and the reward into the transcendent and mysterious human orgasm. Working toward de- veloping your pleasure capac- ity and having the courage to witness your unique, yet univer- sal connection to all humanity through your erotic self marks the evolution of mastery in human life. Freeing ourselves from the con- straints of our culture and embracing our erotic selves as the wise, ener- getic transformers we are is a path to inner peace. We are all born with the birthright to know our divine source through the phys- ical love of the bodies we inhabit. This is both the fertile ground at the root of all healing and the place where love is born. The meaning of orgasm lies at the heart of the why of our existence. It embodies the connection we all seek, car- rying us defi nitively beyond the illusion of separation. Each individual, unique moment of exquisite pleasure sews us to- gether in a web of love. —Wendy Strgar, writer, teacher and loveologist, is the founder and CEO at Good Clean Love, makers of Almost Naked 95 percent-organic lubricant. Your plate may be full, but what about your wallet? You already take a plateful of vitamins and supplements. Maybe it's time to start funding your health habit. My name is Marj and I can help you start your home-based nutrition business with an inter- national company for $25. Call me for a free CD: "Dead Doctors Don't Lie." 888.311.4311 december/january 2016 17