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A n orgasm is universally pleasurable. It transforms the human body into a vessel of energy. Cellular physi- cal boundaries fade as our bodies transport us into experiences that connect us to the universal energy of our spiritual source. A transcendent orgasm takes the experience to the next level. The good news is that research suggests this kind of sex will happen at least once to one out of every eight peo- ple, writes Dr. Jenny Wade, author of Transcendent Sex. Reports describe the experience in a range of unique ways, including a shift of space and time that included a sense of timelessness and vast emptiness, a sense of electric light-fi lled bodies, and a transformation of self and other, converging in intersecting paths of spirit and sexuality. For many people the spiritual awakening that comes through these kinds of t r a n s c e n d e n t orgasms is life changing. It re o rg a n i z e s their beliefs about sexuality and God. In fact, of all life experi- ences that open the doorway to intensely spiritual experience, sex is the most common and or- dinary, which is to say that it is readily available to ordinary people with no prior experience of spirituality through the act of physical love. Going back to the story of Adam and Eve, some believe the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was a code name for orgasm, because it held the secret to connection with the Divine through our deepest capacity to connect with each other. While there are hundreds of scientifi c studies that demon- strate the physical, mental and emotional health benefi ts of orgasm, perhaps the spiritual connection that our deepest sexual pleasure opens to us might be the most life-chang- ing reason to pursue an evolving relationship with orgasm. Indeed, the French term for orgasm, la petite mort, meaning "small death," is indicative of this mystery in which we let go of the ego-driven self in exchange for a divine connection to healthy living Coming into Spiritual Awakening THE TRANSCENDENT ORGASM WORRIED? S T R E S S E D ? D E P R E S S E D ? There are answers in this book. BUY AND READ DIANETiCS T H E M O D E R N S C I E N C E O F M E N T A L H E A L T H MAY YO U N E V E R B E T H E S A M E AG A I N THE #1 BEST SELLING BOOK ON THE HUMAN MIND MAY YO U N E V E R B E T H E S A M E AG A I N BY L. RON HUBBARD PRICE: $25 DIANETiCS M E N T A L H E A L T H 4810 W. Sunset Blvd., LA CA 90027 Open daily: 9am - 10pm 16