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Create a Healthier World with a Master of Science in Nutrition for Wellness degree. Create a Healthier World with a Master of Science in Nutrition for Wellness degree. Create a Healthier World with a Master of Science in Nutrition for Wellness degree. Create a Healthier World with a Master of Science in Nutrition for Wellness degree. Learn more: 855-4-BASTYR • San Diego " Bastyr's nutrition program allows me to study my two passions science and food, " Elizabeth Lipman, BS (2013) COOK . CREATE . INSPIRE "ALLOWING TRUMP TO HOST Saturday Night Live, a storied comedy show, is nothing short of a slap in the face to the more than 57 million Latinos living in the U.S., whose only wish is to work hard, provide for their fami- lies and live the American dream." —Brent Wilkes, national executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens (HuffPo, 11/07) "ANY HARM DONE to the environment is harm done to humanity." —Pope Francis to the U.N., (9/25) "AMERICA, REPENT that Dumbledore emer- ged as a homosexual mentor for Harry Potter." —Rev. Kev- in Swanson, host to the National Religious Liberties Con- ference featuring several presidential candidates, railing against gay people who, he said, should be rounded up and executed (MSNBC, 11/8) W O RT H R E P E AT I N G "LATER THAT NIGHT, I HELD an atlas in my lap, ran my fi ngers across the whole world, and whis- pered, where does it hurt? it answered, everywhere, every- where, everywhere."—Excerpt from a poem titled "what they did yesterday afternoon." by Somali-British poet War- san Shire in response to acts of terror "I'M FRANKLY TIRED OF WOMEN'S magazines asking super-hot people about their favorite feature. If you aren't going to answer 'my brain,' you at least ought to subvert things a little with 'my cellulite' or 'my stretch marks.'" —Sophia Benoit, "A list of things I wish women's magazines would publish" (The Guardian, 10/28) "ALL THE WORDS FROM ALL the sto- ries I've read, all the songs I've listened to, all the hopeless meals I've eaten, all the long-winded phone calls I've made, they all fi t perfectly inside my little fl at."—Reporter Made- leine Wedesweiler on why she loves living in a tiny "granny fl at" (, 9/3) "YOU CLUTCH YOUR PEARLS. You complain. You attempt to censor. That's it. Unlike these two men you deem 'sinful' who are actually making a dif- ference in the lives of children—and making the world a better place." —Blogger Maria Guido slamming the group One Million Moms for trashing two gay dads who adopted four foster kids and started the charity Comfort Cases (, 11/8) december/january 2016 13