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VOICE YOUR VIEWS Being an aea MeMBer AEA members are proud to be a part of the Association. Here are some members' views on why they belong to the AEA. I am an AEA member because teachers and other school workers are the experts on our schools and should have a voice as our viewpoints are the best window we have to what our kids need. Mike Goorsky, Chandler EA I am an AEA member because I believe that it's important to have a strong voice in education legislation and the more voices we have, the harder it is for our legislators to ignore. Beth Simek, substitute member I am an AEA member because it is my professional association. If you consider yourself a professional, then you belong to the association, whether it be doctor, lawyer, psychologist, or carpenter. It is just what you do, no matter what the legislature says. Ryan Joshua Martin, Gilbert EA I am an AEA member because I am an American citizen. As much as we take for granted our rights and freedoms as American citizens, so do we as educators. Thank you to the leaders of AEA for taking a stand for the unheard (educators). Karen Bennett, Paradise Valley EA I'm an AEA member because it has given me an opportunity to grow as a leader not only in my local but also as an educator in my school leadership team. Belonging to my association has also given me the opportunity to meet and get to work with many educators across the nation at the state and national levels. Attending the AEA Delegate Assembly and NEA Representative Assembly has also taught me that my voice and vote do matter and I can be the one to educate my local as to what is happening to EDUCATION. Maria G. Brown, Sunnyside EA I am a member because I believe in fairness and am unable to negotiate fairness on my own. I can neither lobby the legislature while I teach nor negotiate with the district without a strong voice. Joselli Carbajal, Glendale Elementary EA I am a PROUD AEA member and a proud public educator and ESP! I care about the support staff and the hard work they do to keep the children in our schools safe! To all the food service workers, custodians, duty aides, crossing guards, para-educators, plumbers, electricians, clerks, technology specialists, carpenters, secretaries, bus drivers, and all the other education support professionals who work behind the scenes to make each and every day a GREAT day of learning! Jennie Bash Stemm, pre-retired member I am a member of AEA because I am taking my rightful place in LEADERSHIP of educational discourse on a district, state, and national level. TEACHERS should make decisions about how to educate, not politicians. AEA is often the only voice for our kids at the capitol—and the only voice for teachers period—if many legislators had their way there would be no public school. No public school = no democracy. Kirsten Conrad, Vail EA I am a proud AEA member because I believe in teacher empowerment and the collective voices that speak for our students through our core values. Quality education, Fairness, Equity, and Respect, Teaching as an Esteemed Profession, and Learning as a Community Commitment. This is our organization...and I invite all teachers and students preparing to be teachers to join AEA! Anna Montalbo, Littleton EA MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK Write us! Readers are encouraged to state opinions or make comments in letters that will be considered for publication in this column. The editor reserves the right to edit lengthy letters representing a balance of viewpoints. Generally, letters will not be published without the names of their writers and local associations. Send letters to: "Member Talk," AEA Advocate, 345 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Email: AEA Advocate ❘ Summer 2012 5 M EMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK