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AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA TOP: Apache Junction Education Association Grade-In. AROUND AEA AROUND AEA ABOVE and BELOW: Grade-Ins by Deer Valley Education Association members. AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA Grade-Ins Come to Arizona by Nell Pederson On Sunday, February 26th, teachers across the valley gathered in public places with stacks of papers in front of them. Normally, this is not an unusual site for their kitchen table, but at the food court of a shopping mall? This is a movement that is quickly spreading across the country where local associations host a Grade-In at public locations. "Usually, the only people that truly understand the amount of time that teachers spend working outside of the classroom are their immediate family" said Maria Leyva, President of Deer Valley Education Association. "On the weekends, most parents are attending their own children's sporting events. You can always spot the teacher in the crowd because they are the ones grading papers and cheering at the same time." The Grade- In provided an opportunity for a fun, casual social gathering plus a way to express what it means to be a professional educator. DVEA hosted the Grade-In at two locations in Northwest Phoenix. Those attending had meaningful conversations with parents, potential members, and the public. "This is 14 Summer 2012 ❘ AEA Advocate one of many ways that associations can engage their membership and identify leaders for future events that might be more serious in nature," Leyva added. Better yet, they went back to work on Monday with a smaller stack of papers! Another Grade-In is planned by DVEA for the coming months. Apache Junction Education Association also "Usually, the only people that truly understand the amount of time that teachers spend working outside of the classroom are their immediate family." hosted a Grade-In, combining work as a public outreach to demonstrate the work that is usually done behind closed doors, whether the door is at their house or their classroom. Humboldt Education Association, outside the metro area of Phoenix, hosted their own Grade-In at the Gateway Mall on February 26th. "This is a nationwide —Maria Leyva, Deer Valley EA movement for public awareness on how teachers work," said Carrie Barros, President of the Humboldt Education Association, and fifth-grade teacher at Coyote Springs Elementary School. Carrie explained to passersby that there is prep time during the school day, but in the elementary grades prep time is so short that teachers must decide whether to run to the restroom, eat lunch, or start on correcting homework. Barros said parents are supportive of their neighborhood schools, and many understand how tirelessly teachers work to provide quality education for their children. ✒