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What interesting times we live in! As we go to press with our annual food issue, the Catholic Pope is visiting our country, and even those who don't agree with him on every point (including yours truly) are welcoming his warmth and genuine embrace of essential spiritual values. Other than the Dalai Lama, for many of us Pope Francis is the only spiritual leader to cross all religious lines in our lifetimes. He actually declined a lunch invitation from Congress to dine with a group of homeless at a shel- ter. Who really does that? Once there, reporters say he was so busy nourishing the spirits of those present that he never had time to sit down and nourish his own body. I hope Pope Francis takes care of his health—we need his compas- sionate and wise influence. At the opposite end of the com- passion spectrum, the 2016 presi- dential election cycle is in full swing and some of the candidates are liter- ally verbally swinging at each other. These candidates who are asking us to entrust our precious country and hard-won liberty to them seem very confused on priorities, with lit- tle interest in common goals or the greater good. Did you hear one word about climate change in either of the two debates? If we don't ad- dress our worsening problem, literally nothing else will matter. From immigrants to Native Americans, Wall Street to on the street, we need to work on this problem together. This is real and demands our attention now. And there is so much competing for our attention! As editor of a magazine, I am especially aware of this. I receive hundreds of emails every day (you don't even want to know how many stay in my inbox for one reason or another) and many, many requests for media coverage in one way or another. What's frus- trating about that is how little we can actually do, as a small local bimonthly. With our kind of work, so many of the requests are regarding heartfelt work relating to the environment, spiri- tuality, health or personal growth—good stuff! Those creating the work—and here I mean especially books, which particularly break my heart as I know how much courage, time, energy and emotional investment it takes to write a book—are risking a lot doing their best to make a difference in the world. So I ask you to please help us support the people you meet in our pages… our loyal advertisers, projects we write about (e.g. Enrich LA, pg. 23), artistic works we review (pg. 32–34). As we move into the holiday sea- son, we all have to pay special atten- tion to our health—there is nothing like a celebration to bring out foods that may not be in our best interest. Whether you have a gluten sensitivity or full-blown Irritable Bowl Syndrome (pg. 28), this is the time to start think- ing defensively, taking enzymes, and planning alternatives. Most hosts are happy to adapt a meal to accommo- date digestive issues, but if you're especially picky, it's always a good idea to be prepared and figure out what will work best for you. For years I brought an alternative entrée with me to my family's Thanksgiving din- ner, until I figured out I could just eat veggies and salad. Problem solved, no muss no fuss. However you celebrate, know that on Thanksgiving, as every day, we are profoundly grateful for the support of the Los Ange- les holistic community. We are the oldest continually publishing editorially based holistic magazine in the known universe, and you've kept us #1 for 38 years. You can clink a mug of organic beer (pg. 26) to that! Many blessings to you and yours, from the editor Dear Readers, 6