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MERCURY-FREE HOLISTIC TREATMENT We combine laser, cosmetic, homeopathic and family dentistry following holistic principles. This, combined with highly indi- vidualized treatment plans, results in the best possible care for patients of all ages. We evaluate a patient as a whole person rather than a set of teeth, respect the intricate inter-relationship of teeth, mouth and body, and will definitely not place any sil- ver-mercury amalgams. If we remove any, we follow strict pre- cautionary guidelines. Our facility is spacious, equipped with the latest technology, and meticulously designed to impart serenity and comfort. We par- ticularly love seeing children. Biological and Homeopathic Dentistry Joseph Sarkissian DDS 906 N. Glendale Ave. Glendale, CA 91206 818.247.7828 Bodywork & Healing professional services directory Acupuncture Natural Health Center INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE ACUPUNCTURE & QUIGONG Acupuncture has worked successfully for more than five thousand years, and as with anything else, the degree of success often depends on the practitioner. Dr. Lijun Zheng, a Chinese acupuncture gradu- ate, has used her 15 years of daily acupuncture & Qigong practice to develop a unique style. Her natural health center in Santa Moni- ca is warm and friendly, with soothing music to support relaxation. Dr. Zheng has successfully treated pain, stress, allergies and insomnia; and prostate, kidney, bladder and digestive disorders. She can help with headache, fatigue, overweight, infertility, and facial and gyne- cological problems. Dr. Zheng can even help you quit smoking. Most insurance accepted! 310.828.5288 2504 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica 90404 INDIGO BODY BALANCE – Transformational Bodywork After 21 years of practicing bodywork I have developed a technique that effectively releases both physical and emotional stress, leaving you with a feeling of balance and renewal. I consciously work from the space of indigo and create a supportive energetic environment to allow you to easily relax, de-stress, release and ultimately reconnect with yourself. Angelica Sepulveda, LMt. has been featured in Daily Candy, Angeleno and InStyle magazine. 818.415.8525 8440 Santa Monica Blvd, Ste 104, West Hollywood Dental Care SOMATIC REALIGNMENT ACCOMPLISHED WITH EXPERTISE AND ENTHUSIASM Spinal problems? Accidents? Surgery? Athletic injury? Occupational, Emotional and Other Stress? Life changes? It has been my pleasure to bring the benefits of Rolfing to thou- sands of clients of all ages. Hands-on infusion of energy and skillfully directed pressure evoke changes in patterns of breath and connective tissue layers. Realignment of structure and function in the field of gravity is the goal. Better posture, range of movement,flexibility, release of trauma and integration of body, mind and spirit are among the results. Basic 10, Advanced, Maintenance Sessions. Renee Branch-Wagner, Certified Advanced Rolfer Graduate of Cornell University Protegé of founder Ida P. Rolf 310.454.2644, Pacific Palisades ROLFING FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Relaxing & Therapeutic Bodywork BY CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST I help busy individuals who suffer from stress and mental fatigue to achieve more success in their personal and professional lives. If you suffer from body aches related to stress, you too can experience deep relief and live a more enjoyable life. I have developed my technique from years of practice and specialize in bodywork modalities that are proven to ease and comfort your mind and body. LeeAnn is a highly skilled therapist with a passion for healing her cli- ents. She has been healing me since 2012, and I will be forever grate- ful. For me, massage from LeeAnn is not a luxury, but rather a necessity for healthy living. Shawna G., Los Angeles 323.202.6569 LeeAnn Christian Advertising in Whole Life Times has been very successful—wonderful clients for decades! —Renee Branch-Wagner, Certifi ed Advanced Rolfer " " 36