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yoga & spirit 2. Prepare your food by hand, pref- erably without machines, in silence. Choose a simple preparation such as peeling an orange or eating a slice of apple or simple salad. What can you make that nourishes your body? As you prepare your food, breathe, take your time and slow down your move- ments. No rush. Appreciate each ingredient and each step of the pro- cess with all fi ve senses. What do you notice about the color and texture? The aroma? Does it make a sound? 3. Once it's prepared, sit down with your food in front of you. Place both feet on the fl oor, and tune into the soft rhythm of your breath. 4. When you are ready, begin to eat. Take the time to appreciate each bite with all fi ve senses. Chew slowly and completely. Can you chew each bite 20 times? 30? Enjoy the full fl avor and variety of tastes and tex- tures in each bite. Breathe and relax. 5. Once you complete your meal or snack in this way, pause and relax. This may be a good time to note your experi- ence in a journal. What happened? What was challenging? Was it fun? If you can't fi nd the time to do this entire exercise, can you try taking one mind- ful bite at the next meal? Or, take three breaths before you begin to eat? What can you do to "chunk down" the practice so that it is doable in your life? You really can't do mindful eating incorrectly. Just keep practicing. ~Excerpted from Yoga & Diabetes © Annie B. Kay, MS, RDN, RYT and Lisa B. Nelson, MD (American Diabetes Association) T h i s p r o g ra m i s n o t s p o n s o r e d by t h e S a n ta M o n i ca Pu b l i c L i b ra r y Santa Monica Main Librar y Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium 601 Santa Monica Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90401 Free Admission 310 - 4 4 4 -2 9 7 8 * w w w. s h a r e - i n t e r n a t i o n a l . u s / w e s t S p o n s o r e d b y S h a r e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a Dick Larson is an educator, counselor, and long-time teacher and student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings. A TA L K BY D I C K L A R S O N He is here for all pe ople – religious and non - religious alike. He will inspire an end to hunger, injustice and war. He returns with his group, the Master s of Wisdom. Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 3:00 p.m. e World Teacher for this age – Maitreya – is here. T G E H N U . . . october/november 2015 21