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"I DIDN'T WANT TO COME OFF as an inex- perienced little girl." ~15-year-old prep school freshman referring to her alleged rape by a senior boy (New York Times, 8/19) "TALKING ABOUT WOODSTOCK is like talking about the Second World War… It was overwhelming." ~Musician Graham Nash, who was Joni Mitchell's lover at the time of Woodstock (, some time in the past) "WE HAVE MILLIONS OF people struggling to keep their heads above water, and the media will often spend more time worrying about hair than the fact that we're the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee health care to all people." ~Senator Bernie Sanders to a NYT reporter's question about Hillary Clinton's hair (Washington Post, 8/17) W O RT H R E P E AT I N G "UNLESS YOU ARE A NATIVE American, your family came from someplace else." ~President Obama responding to anti-immigrant sentiment in politics (Washington Post, 9/14) "WRITING IS LIKE DRIVING at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way." ~Author E.L. Doctorow, who died July 21 "BURNING MAN HAS BECOME another spectacle—another cultural phenomenon, in a sense, a cult—that sucks a huge amount of energy and time from people who could re-focus their talents and genius on what we must do to escape ecological collapse." ~Writer/philosopher Daniel Pinchbeck, on why he didn't go this year (, 8/13) "CREATE A MODEL WHERE everyone wins, instead of that strong-headed poverty the 'spiritual' are so intent on celebrating." ~Yoga teacher Derek Beres on the inappro- priateness of offering tickets teachers can resell as payment for teaching at a festival (, 8/10) "WE DISCONNECT OURSELVES from wild- life habitat loss by viewing it as a problem caused by industry and agriculture. But habitat loss isn't a problem happening out there somewhere; it's happening in our own back yards." ~Sarah Bak- er, whose township ordered her to mow her unmanicured lawn (, 8/03) "THIS GETS TO ONE OF THE root problems with mob justice: It is not primarily about punishing the crime or the criminal, but rather about indulging the outrage of the mob and its thirst for vengeance." ~Blogger Max Fisher on the random destructiveness of internet mob justice, in this case the dentist who killed a lion (, 7/30) Call (323) 953-3206 to get your copy. PRICE: $22.00 Softcover Church of Scientology Los Angeles 4810 W. Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90027 THE PROBLEMS OF WORK By L. Ron Hubbard Life is composed of seven-tenths work, one-tenth familial, one-tenth political and one tenth relaxation. Here is a book containing the answers to that seven-tenths. Simple yet powerful solutions for burnout, stress or worse. BUY AND READ 70% of your life is spent working... 7 y PRICE: $22.00 Softcover HAVE YOU CONSIDERED LISTING YOUR SERVICE IN OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORY? CALL NOW TO BE IN OUR DEC/JAN ISSUE! 310.425.3056 whole life whole life times october/november 2015 13