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Back To School 2015 | 19 Both the federal and the state accountability data can be found at the following link: http:// Data_Reporting/data_reporting_ accountability_reports.aspx. For WAEA results, you can look at details for each individual school; you can also see a list of results for all Wyoming schools by clicking on "WAEA 2015 School Performance Overview." Always click "View Report" after selecting any school or report you want to see. Changes to the Focus of Phase II Accountability Work by the Advisory Committee: The Select Committee, as its June 2015 meeting, directed the Advisory Committee to focus its work this year on: (1) leader accountability (rather than teacher accountability), along with suggestions related to enhanced credentials, training and professional development policies; and (2) recommendations for the Statewide System of Support addressing teacher, leadership and building needs. Alternative Accountability Advisory Committee (AAAC): As mentioned previously, this year's statutory changes called for the development of a separate alternative school accountability system. The pilot of the WAEA Phase I made it acutely obvious that the model used for traditional schools was perhaps not the most appropriate one "for making valid inferences about the performance of alternative schools, which often differ from traditional schools with respect to the type and number of students served, the degree of flexibility necessary to support success, school climate, and the schools' specified mission and goals." [Draft AAAC report, September 2015] The forthcoming final report from the AAAC to various legislative entities will comprise the committee's recommendations, which the legislature can subsequently accept, alter, or even disregard. I will report on the final AAAC recommendations in a future issue of the WEA NEWS. The Joint Appropriations Committee this year designated a Subcommittee on Community College Funding, which held two meetings over the summer to discuss a more sustainable funding stream for Wyoming's community colleges. The first meeting was held in Buffalo on July 17 th , and the second was held in Casper on August 24 th . Both meetings had roughly 30 attendees, and every community college in Wyoming was represented. Members of this legislative subcommittee are Senators Burns and Wasserburger and Representatives Harshman and Greear. During public comment at the most recent meeting, different stakeholders testified regarding concerns with draft legislation. Some of the discussion revolved around dual/concurrent/online enrollment, and the costs to K-12 and community colleges associated with those courses. Other concerns regarding the bill were discussed in regards to the role of the Community College Commission (CCC) in approving/not approving "the implementation of any new academic and vocational-technical programs utilizing state funds" for community colleges in Wyoming. The current draft bill would take that responsibility away from the CCC and reassign it to the legislature. Steve Thulin, Higher Ed representative to the WEA Board of Directors, delivered an official statement on behalf of the WEA Board, outlining the need for a more predictable, stable and sustainable revenue stream for our colleges. Current Laramie County Community College trustee and former WEA Board member Ed Mosher also testified regarding differences between funding structures throughout the community college system in Wyoming. The Wyoming Education Association is in favor of a stable and predictable funding model for Wyoming community colleges so they are able to plan for the future. The WEA feels that students, faculty, and support staff alike should have the opportunity to know what lies ahead at their local higher education institutions. This includes, but isn't limited to, future expansion of programs, or possible cuts as well. As of press time, the committee has not posted an updated piece of draft legislation. They may possibly post an updated bill before a future Joint Appropriations Committee. Currently, there are no more scheduled Joint Appropriations Subcommittee on Community College Funding meetings. To review any draft legislation from the JAC, visit: and click on "Interim Committee Activities" to reach the JAC page. Community College Funding