SUMMER 2015 | WEAnews
Teacher Resource: "Teaching the Core" Video Library holds over 60 videos (more coming
soon) of Common Core instruc on in real classroom se ngs. Each lesson is annotated
using SAP's Instruc onal Prac ce Guide, to call out exemplary moments of Common Core
teaching and includes: a full, bell-to-bell video lesson; a complete set of lesson materials;
examples of student work; and interviews with the teacher featured in the video. This
collec on was created by and for educators - from the design of the lessons to the review
and annota on of each video. Visit
Teacher Exchange Programs: Dates vary--h p://
2015 WDE Special Educa on Leadership Symposium: June 22-25, 2015, Riverton, WY—
June 22 & 23 will be the Best Prac ce por on of the training, and June 24-25 the Law
Seminar por on. Registra on fee: $100 for either of the 2-day por ons, or $150 for the
en re 4-day conference. More details can be found at: h p://
Teaching with Primary Sources: June 28 - July 1, 2015, Laramie, WY—"A Sense of Place"
is a free, three-day Wyoming Summer Ins tute for teachers, funded by the Wyoming
Geographic Alliance and Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources - Metro State. To
register: h ps://
2015 Pathways to Respec ng American Indian Civil Rights Conference: July 9, 2015,
Denver, CO--The American Indians Pathways Taskforce will be hos ng a one-day FREE
training and educa on conference for Leadership to promote the civil rights of American
Indians. Topics include health care, employment, educa on, environmental jus ce, and
nutri on, as well as discussions on crisis issues within the Na ve American communi es
such as hate crimes, the loss of culture, and violence against Na ve women. More
informa on and registra on: h ps:// ng-
american-indian-civil-rights-conference- ckets-15961524349?ref=enivtefor001&invite
term=a end
WEA ESP Summit: July 10-12, 2015, Jackson, WY—Topics include: legisla ve updates; True
Colors (personali es); Whole Child educa on; advocacy; how to involve members and grow
locals; and much more! Keynote speaker: Na onal ESP of the Year. Register online at www. Registra on deadline: June 22
WEA Higher Ed. Summit: July 10-12, 2015, Jackson, WY—Topics include: legisla ve
coali on-building for 2016; salaries, due process and higher educa on "reform"; power-
mapping from the Campus to the Capitol; federal issues and the NEA; organizing on our
campuses; and much more! Register online at by June 22.
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