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SUMMER 2015 | 17 WYOMING LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Together We Succeed! Action Upcoming Meetings This Year June 16 Digital Information Privacy Task Force (School & District level data use and security) Cheyenne June 29-30 School Recalibration Cody, WY August 6-7 School Recalibration Casper, WY September 2-3 School Recalibration Casper, WY October 29 Education Accountability Casper, WY October 29-30 Education Casper, WY November 16-17 School Recalibration Casper, WY December 14-15 Education Casper, WY December 15-16 Education Accountability Casper, WY First Recalibration Meeting Held Sign Up to Receive Legislative Updates All Year! Email us at The Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration met in Casper May 21-22. The agenda included presentations from Legislative Service Office Staff, the Wyoming Department of Education, as well as Doctors Picus and Odden, who provided the January 2015 Funding Model Desk Audit. The Committee asked very pointed questions regarding Wyoming's rural educational landscape, local control regarding funding, and how districts could be affected by any cost adjustments. Although this initial meeting was mostly informational, the Committee had great concerns regarding the Regional Cost Adjustment (RCA) portion of the desk audit. Concerns were raised that Wyoming may need a more unique model, rather than regional, because of current disparities with the regional adjustments. The Wyoming Legislature is mandated to recalibrate school funding every five years. This select committee will work on recalibration of the School Funding Model, and will determine how schools are funded for the next 5 years. During the public comment portion of the agenda, many business managers and superintendents from around Wyoming spoke to concerns with the current funding model. Some of the discussion included English Language Learners (ELL), the vast differences among the 48 school districts around the state, as well as generally what's working and what's not with the current funding model. The Wyoming Legislature's web based Public Comment System is now accepting public comments on committee studies for The Select Committee on Recalibration. If you have any questions regarding any legislation from this session or would like any further information, please contact WEA Government Relations Director Ken Decaria at: