Computer Graphics World

March / April 2015

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6 cgw m a r c h . a p r i l 2 0 1 5 inally. We've enjoyed years of apocalyptic alien attacks and frightening invasions in feature films. We've recoiled from horrific, villainous creatures from outer space in Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds, Ridley Scott's Alien, Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim, and so many other dark action-adventures. Now, at last, friendly aliens have landed in a feature film. DreamWorks Animation's Home sends a spaceship filled with cute little Boov trying to escape a mortal enemy from one planet to another. The six-legged, barrel-shaped aliens need a new home, a place to hide. The planet they pick is ours. Based on the Adam Rex chil- dren's book "The True Meaning of Smekday," Home stars Steve Martin as Captain Smek, the leader of the Boov. Rihanna is Tip, a resourceful, almost-teen- age girl and the only human to avoid capture. Jennifer Lopez is Tip's mother, Lucy. Lucy doesn't have Tip's luck. The aliens cap- ture her, along with the rest of the human race, and take them who knows where. Jim Parsons Alien Re creation F DREAMWORKS ANIMATION POPULATES A CG FEATURE WITH CUTE SIX-LEGGED ALIENS, WEAPONS MADE FROM BUBBLES, AND A PRECOCIOUS TWEEN BY BARBARA ROBERTSON Images ©2015 DreamWorks Animation LLC.

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