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SPRING 2015 | 31 The Wyoming Educa tion Associa tion mourns the loss of long- time educa tor, member and policymaker Harriet "Liz" Byrd – she was 88. "We are saddened by the loss of not only a very influential woman, but an educa tor in this s ta te w ho has touched so many lives of Wyoming s tudents. Her legacy will truly live on, as we are honored to remember this brilliant educa tor year a fter year," said W EA President Ka thy Vetter. Born and raised in Wyoming, Byrd a ttended and gradua ted from Wes t Virginia S ta te College. She returned to Wyoming in order to apply for a teaching job wi th the Laramie County School Dis trict, but was denied employment because of her race. She was subsequently hired as a civilian ins tructor in the Depar tment of Ad minis tra tive Services a t F. E . Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming. In 1959, the Laramie County School Dis trict reversed i ts earlier decision and hired her as an elementary school teacher based in Cheyenne for 27 years. In 1976, she earned an M.A. degree from the U niversi ty of Wyoming. Byrd served in the Wyoming House of Representa tives from 1980 to 1988, and in the Wyoming Sena te from 1988 to 1992, becoming the firs t African-American to serve in both houses. During her career in the s ta te legisla ture, she was ins trumental in es tablishing a s ta te holiday in honor of Mar tin Luther King, Jr., in 1991. I t is celebra ted as Wyoming Equali ty Day. The Wyoming Educa tion Associa tion honors one of i ts members every year wi th the Harriett "Liz" Byrd Award. The award recognizes an individual or group for outs tanding contributions in the areas of human rela tions, mul ticul turalism and/or diversi ty in the field of educa tion. The Byrd Award honors an educa tor, friend of educa tion, or group w ho has worked to promote collabora tion and harmony among diverse groups. The Wyoming Educa tion Associa tion ex tends i ts deepes t sympa thies to the Byrd family. Remembering Harriet " Liz" Byrd Photos Cour tesy of: Legisla tive Service O ffice and Elizabeth Harriet Byrd Collection, American Heri tage Center, U niversi ty of Wyoming