Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2015

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SPRING 2015 | WEAnews 28 CENTRAL REGION PRESIDENT - Dirk Andrews It has been an honor to serve as Central Region President. I would be honored to serve Central Region for another two years. CENTRAL REGION REPRESENTATIVE & CLUSTER DELEGATE TO NEA RA - Heather Kreiling I have been an active member for 4 years. I have also been teaching for 4 years. I started teaching in Torrington at Trail Elementary and now teach at Glenrock Intermediate Middle School. At the local level I have been a secretary and committee chair. I am the secretary of WEA's BEWM (millennial group). I have also been very active at the state level going to different trainings. I have been to delegate assembly three years as well. I have "grabbed 3" members for the past two years and I am very energized about our association and where it is heading. NORTHEAST REGION REPRESENTATIVE - Deb French I have enjoyed the role of NE Region Rep. for 2 terms on the WEA Board of Directors. I ask for your support for my candidacy for NE Region Rep. for my 3rd and final term. I will continue to do my best in promoting WEA and gathering information beneficial to the members of the Northeast Region. SOUTHEAST REGION REPRESENTATIVE - Jon VanOverbeke I want to continue to be a part of the WEA Board. Through this positon I will assist the Region President and Vice-President with their goals and those of the WEA. SOUTHWEST REGION PRESIDENT - Lori Eggleston I am a Wyoming native and have been teaching for 9 years. I have been the president/co-president of our local associaton for 4 years. I am running for Regional President to further my involvement in the WEA, to grow in understanding of the legislative process and to continue working with an association that I strongly believe in. SOUTHWEST REGION VICE PRESIDENT - Bertha Tracy My qualifications for the postion of Southwest Region Vice-President are the following: attended 2 DA conferences, attended RBL for 4 years, member of NEA for 30 years, active member of WEA for 8 years, active retired WEA member, RA for Rawlins High School for 3 years, Southwest Region Vice-President from 2014 to present. I would appreciate your vote. SOUTHWEST REGION CLUSTER DELEGATE TO NEA RA - LeAnn Uhling I have taught and been a member of the local, state and National Assocation for 29 years, 26 in Wyoming. In the 1980-1990's I served as building rep., local president, WEA board member and NEA RA delegate. I presently teach kindergarten in Saratoga and am dedicated to improving the quality of teaching and learning for educators and students. Meet the Candidates

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