SPRING 2015 | WEAnews
Professional Development Opportunities Await You
v WEA's Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Training, Cohort 2, Initial Session: June 11-13,
Jackson. State-of-the-art professional development, funded by a grant from NEA, with the
aspiration of improving instruction & student learning. SLOs are what we've been doing all
along, but with deliberate intention and specificity. Cohort 2 is limited to 50 participants,
selected to ensure wide representation across geographic regions, grade levels, content areas,
and schools. Participation will require significant time and effort commitment over the course
of one year; PTSB and UW graduate credit applications filed. Watch the WEA Website and the
Professional Issues e-Newsletter for application link, to open in April.
v Assessment Literacy and Formative Assessment Resource Development Training: Five free,
regional, two-day trainings for teachers on assessment literacy and formative assessment
resource development, to be presented by Jan Hoegh, Associate VP of Marzano Research.
PTSB credit available. Participation is limited to the first 100 registrants for each two-day
session. Register at: http://goo.gl/YDekVC. All sessions take place from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm.
Dates and locations:
• Gillette: April 13 & 14
• Cody: April 21 & 22
• Riverton: April 23 & 24
• Evanston: May 4 & 5
• Rawlins: May 6 & 7
Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference: April 17-18, Denver, CO. Register: http://www.
Program and more information: http://www.ecconference.com/program/workshops
v TIE (Technology...Innovation...Education) Conference 2015: April 19-21, Rapid City,
SD. Registration prices vary. www.conference.tie.net
v Introductory Shared Inquiry: Greenwood Village, CO. Two dates from which to choose, 9-3
o April 28- 29
o April 30-May 1
Gain new teaching strategies and discover how to pose higher-order and text-dependent
questions that prompt critical thinking in your students and encourage classroom discussion.
v 2015 EdTechTeam Wyoming Summit: June 9-10, Cody High School. This two-day, high-
intensity event focuses on deploying, integrating, and using Google Apps for Education (and
other Google tools) to promote student learning in pre-K-12 and higher education. https://
v 2015 Yellowstone Teacher Workshop: YELLOWSTONE STEAM: Blending STEM and Art in
Education: June 21-25, Gardiner, MT & Yellowstone National Park, WY. Explore new ideas
and strategies while networking with other educators on best practices for cross-curricular
design. Applications due 3/31/15: https://www.yellowstoneassociation.org/