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Kahlúa's Re-Awakening DEPARTMENT HEADER THIS LEGENDARY BRAND GAINS NEW RELEVANCE—AND SCORES A NEW AUDIENCE ON THE MIXOLOGY SCENE by Meridith May / photos by John Curley T he Arabica coffee beans that make up a portion of the ingredients that go into Kahlúa are grown among citrus groves in the forests of Veracruz, Mexico. First introduced in 1936, this rum-based coffee liqueur (the rum also hails from Veracruz) has a firm place in cocktail history; the Black Russian and the White Russian landed it on drink lists in the '70s and '80s. But today, thanks to the era of coffee- mania, Kahlúa is due for a revival on many levels. Kahlúa gets its coffee flavor from Arabica beans, grown in Veracruz, Mexico. The beans are roasted and custom cold-brewed on the spot. It takes seven years from beans to bottle. november 201 1 / the tasting panel / 87