The Tasting Panel magazine

November 2011

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NICHOLAS MILLER WALKS US THROUGH HIS FAMILY PROPERTY, BIEN NACIDO, Bearer of It's always a treat to experience a private tour of a vineyard with the winemaker, but this particular misty harvest dawn seems to immediately engage all the senses. As we climb higher to our desired block in the vineyard, the meticulous rows just disappear, magically vanishing into the foggy hillside. The tiny black clusters of Pinot Noir grapes are still drenched and dripping with overnight coastal moisture, and the air is so thick we can barely see. Bien Nacido Vineyard never looked so beautiful. THE MOST FAMOUS NAME ON CALIFORNIA'S CENTRAL COAST Fruit story and photos by Rob Brown Nicholas Miller and Trey Fletcher determine the right time to pick Pinot, at the highest block on the Bien Nacido property. 34 / the tasting panel / november 201 1

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