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T P O C N E W S B R I E F S TPOC UPDATE Greetings TPOC Members! The TPOC Board of Directors welcomes each new day with a purpose that comes directly from you; for that we say thank you, we cannot say it enough! Our daily focus and action is to help make your day better through your membership in the Association. The year is fast approaching its end with the annual conference and summer in the fore ground and the holiday season just ahead. This year has been better than good to TPOC, its been exceptional! Yet as we grow, gain momen- tum and excel we must also endure unplanned change. There is no easy or welcomed way to inform you of the lat- est changes within TPOC. Within the last two months two (2) of our Board members have resigned from their officer positions; they are Brenda L Bryant (president) and Glen Shumate (treasurer). Both Brenda and Glen served in their positions and TPOC with tremendous energy and commitment. They were a part of the effort that enabled the Association to cross the bridge from the past to the future. Their heart and contributions will always be a part of the heartbeat that carries TPOC forward. It is typical that people often want to know why, why now, what happened? In both of these cases their decisions were both personal and pro- fessional and in what they thought would be best for them and for TPOC. In our selfishness we naturally would like a different decision, however because we cherish our rela- tionship with them we can only support them as they have requested. The officers of the TPOC Board of Directors are now: President Carolyn White(Georgia) Secretary Lalita Witt(California) Treasurer Beverly Bentley(Maryland) Sergeant at Arms Leatrice Bagley(Michigan) Membership Director Betty Jones(Colorado) We also have a new mailing address TPOC Association 1555 S. Havana Street Suite F-116 Denver, CO 80016 PH: (866) 901 - 1259 Cell: (720 476 0993 We are in the midst of momentous work that includes of course actions to present a dynamic 2015 conference in Atlanta. We are also in the final stages of entering into a formal agreement with (b)Dr. Kevin McPherson(eb) and the Heritage L.L.C., establishing working committees made up of TPOC members, broadening the education and train- ing opportunities for members (as you've seen from the recent TPOC sponsored webinars) and there's much more to come. Please update your email address books with the fol- lowing TPOC email addresses so that you will not miss something from TPOC because it may have gone to your Spam or Junk Mail folder. Official TPOC Email Address TPOC Website Email Address Thank you for your membership, loyalty and continued effort in helping grow TPOC through your referrals! As we close this update we cant help but be somber yet also wish Brenda and Glen well and great success! Betty Jones TPOC Membership Director B M & T ••• September/October 2014••• 34