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WINTER 2014 | WEAnews 26 Announcements JANUARY 2014 9-10 PROGRAM BU DGET COMMITTEE MEETING - CHE Y ENNE 13 LEGISLATU RE CONV ENES 19 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY - OFFICES CLOSED 25-28 WINTER EX ECUTIV E DIRECTORS MEETING 30 - 31 W EA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING CHE Y ENNE View complete calendar 6-7 COMMITTEE/COMMISSION MEETINGS - CHE Y ENNE 8-9 RBL CONFERENCE - CHE Y ENNE 13 NFIE GALA - WASHINGTON D. C. 16 PRESIDENT'S DAY 18 W EBT BOARD MEETING 27 - 3/1 W ESTERN REGION LEADERSHIP SUMMIT FEBRUARY 2 - 27 PAWS TESTING 5-8 NEA ESP CONFERENCE 6 LEGISLATU RE ADJOU RNS 7 CENTRAL/NE REGION DA BRIEFING - CASPER 12-15 NEA HIGHER ED CONFERENCE 14 SOUTHEAST REGION DA BRIEFING - TBA 19 W EBT BOARD MEETING - CASPER 21 NORTHW EST REGION DA BRIEFING - POW ELL 24-26 NEA RETIRED ORGANIZING CONFERENCE - ATLANTA, GA 28 SOUTHW EST REGION DA BRIEFING - TBA MARCH CALENDAR SAVE THE DATE Mark Your Calendars for the 2015 RBL Conference February 8-9, 2015 Agenda Includes: • Discussing critical issues facing Wyoming educators • How to get our message across to policymakers to positively affect Wyoming students • School district contract information from around Wyoming REGISTER AT WYOEA.ORG no later than January 30, 2015 Delega te Assembly In Memory Each year WEA gathers names of educators we have lost in the previous year, and presents a memorial slide show at Delegate Assembly. If you have any names to include from 2014, please email the name, position and school to April 9-11, 2015 Laramie