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WINTER 2014 | WEAnews 20 Grant Opportunities "GRADUATE: All Students Successful" Grant Opportunity. The John P. Ellbogen Foundation will provide support and funding to a community-based design team of specified stakeholders. The coalition must collaboratively implement and sustain an initiative as part of a larger systemic design to (1) increase the services and supports necessary for more students, especially at-risk students, to complete high school with a diploma AND (2) increase the capacity of students who do graduate to succeed in their first year of postsecondary education/training or their first year in a job. This funding is meant to supplement not supplant funds for current systemic efforts to raise graduation rates. For more information or to begin the application process, please visit: Wyoming Early Childhood Community Partnership Grant--Second Round Opportunity! The Wyoming Department of Family Services (DFS) is accepting applications on a rolling basis for the remaining funds in the Early Childhood Community Partnership Grant program for developing, enhancing and sustaining high quality early childhood education programs. The new grant application timeline will be Nov. 10, 2014-April 1, 2015. Grant proposals will be accepted, reviewed and awarded or denied funding on a rolling basis until all funds are allocated. Interested applicants should submit completed thoughtful proposals as soon as possible to increase their access to remaining grant funds. Wyoming Kids First is providing technical assistance during the grant writing and implementation phases. Interested communities are encouraged to contact Wyoming Kids First for any technical assistance needed during this second grant writing period. All grant documents and technical assistance resources can be found on the Wyoming Kids First website: