The Tasting Panel magazine

Nov 09

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Napa l eaving the Silverado Trail, the two-lane blacktop highway known as Sage Canyon Road slips past shimmering Lake Hennessey and then heads deep into the Napa back country, climbing as it snakes around the hills. After a turn into a private, gated driveway, the road- way narrows significantly and the grade steepens sharply. Convex mirrors aid drivers navigating the hairpin turns (at a maximum of 15 mile per hour), helping them avoid oncoming vehicles on a single lane barely the width of a coffee table. The road, on this hot, dusty day just before harvest, is long and tortuous, but it leads—finally—to what is undoubtedly one of California wine country's most spectacu- lar properties: Kuleto Estate. november 2009 / the tasting panel / 45 Sitting onTop of the World Capping one of Napa's most scenic peaks, Kuleto Estate delivers stunning wines with rugged mountain terroir story and photos by David Gadd The view from the mountaintop Kuleto Estate.

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