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BACK TO SCHOOL 2014 | WEAnews 24 How Your 2014–2015 Dues Dollars Are Allocated The chart below shows how your NEA dues ($183.00; $110.50 ESP) are allocated to support and represent members and affiliates in their efforts to achieve NEA's mission. Build key overarching systems to enhance affiliate capacity to organize, engage, and empower members to fend off attacks on their rights and to improve public education, with emphasis on ballot measures and legislative initiatives. Provide financial support, technical assistance, field support, member engagement support, communications support, partnership brokering and facilitate the sharing of best practices throughout the Association. Strong Affiliates for Great Public Schools $20.52 (ESP $12.39) Develop meaningful partnerships with school sites, local affiliates, and state affiliates to move an Association-led, student-centered agenda focused on quality and equity, with a special emphasis on the quality of the professionals, the quality of professional practice, the quality of student learning, and the quality of educator and Association leadership. Uniting the Nation for Great Public Schools and Leading the Profession $11.30 (ESP $6.82) $20.52 $3.77 $51.07 $19.74 $17.18 $38.58 $7.31 $1.56 $11.30 $11.97 Provide support to affiliates in efforts to expand, improve, and enhance pro-public education policy, improve practice, teaching and learning conditions, standards, workforce quality, and priority schools. Provides specific attention to policies related to ESP and Higher Education. Research, Policy, and Practice $3.77 (ESP $2.28) Harness the incredible power of members to engage in and advocate for NEA's pro-public education agenda, policies, programs, and recommended candidates. Engage partners, particularly in the ethnic minority communities, in advocacy for laws and policies that enhance the lives of and protect the rights of our members, while improving public education within the pursuit of social justice. Member Advocacy and Outreach $11.97 (ESP $7.23) Meet the communications needs of the Strategic Goals and ongoing everyday operations that reach all key audiences in the most effective way. Provide customizable communications with applicability and utility for affiliates and align perennial NEA signature programs and publications to highlight work to improve public education. Communications $17.18 (ESP $10.38) Implement advocacy programs for members including the Unified Legal Services Program, Fidelity Bond, Association Professional Liability insurance, and a one million dollar per member Educators Employment Liability insurance program. Legal and Insurance Support $19.74 (ESP $11.92) Provide business operations to ensure organizational effectiveness through technology infrastructure, financial services, facilities services, and human resources to serve the needs of affiliates and members. Business Operations $38.58 (ESP $23.30) No dues dollars are used to support NEA Member Benefits programs. Implement an inclusive, engaged governance process that fosters member participation and democratic decision-making through such governing bodies as the Representative Assembly, NEA Board, NEA Executive Committee, and NEA committees and task forces. Governance $7.31 (ESP $4.41) Support the UniServ program, test effective value propositions for all membership classes, develop a culture of organizing to drive more effective member recruitment, retention, and relevance and by doing so, build Association and member capacity. Organizing and Operational Support to Affiliates $51.07 (ESP $30.84) Provide funding for emergencies at the national, state, or local levels. Contingency $1.56 (ESP $0.93) 701 Want more information? Visit for NEA programs & services. You'll find resources to help you create great schools, with areas devoted to members' professional and personal interests. Visit for NEA Member Benefits. Enjoy discounts on everyday items, save on travel, even get affordable group rate life insurance protection through NEA Members Insurance Trust. Visit for NEA online professional and career development requirements; for graduate credit, continuing education and degree programs with special member savings. Call 1-800-637-4636 Representatives are available to answer your questions Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) EST. Creative ways to use your interactive whiteboard Group games, note-taking and more can get students excited about learning. Read the full article at: 5 things your students need to hear you say What you say-and how you say it-is as important as why you teach. Read the full article at: Member Benefits