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BACK TO SCHOOL 2014 | WEAnews 18 Action PTSB Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules: Public comment is invited through Oct. 3 on proposed changes to PTSB Rules & Regulations Chapter 4, establishing Program Approval Standards for American Sign Language (ASL) as a Foreign Language and realignment from NCATE to CAEP: NCATE to CAEP changes As of July 1, 2013, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) consolidated into the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), making CAEP the new, sole, specialized accrediting agency for educator preparation. The Rule changes regarding NCATE are to realign PTSB with CAEP. Until all universities and colleges complete the next round of accreditation, PTSB recognizes programs which are accredited by either NCATE or CAEP. American Sign Language (ASL) as a Foreign Language In 2008/2009, the Wyoming Legislature passed legislation adding American Sign Language (ASL) as an approved foreign language to the Hathaway success curriculum and mandated the creation of a new endorsement for teaching ASL. PTSB worked with the Wyoming Department of Education as well as K-12 and community college educators to research endorsement standards across the nation in order to provide a recommended set of standards for the Board's review. The Board reviewed the standards for a third time at the June 16-17, 2014, Board meeting and is now initiating the Rule Change process to adopt these standards. Copies of the proposed rules may be obtained at the following URL: Proposed PTSB Rules and Regulations Open for Public Comment The Joint Education Interim Committee (JEC) met in June and again September 10 to discuss various education topics, such as the future of statewide education governance (a topic assigned to JEC by the Legislature's Management Council), school safety and security, educational data security, alternative schools, the planned Job Corps program in Fremont County, and distance education. At the most recent meeting, the committee heard an initial report from the outside consultants who were hired to obtain stakeholder and public input on the topic of education governance. Of those who provided input for the non-scientific study, a large majority believed that the governance system in Wyoming is in need of systemic change. Early data indicated that the majority of those who either responded to an open, online survey or participated in in-person interviews preferred to see the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joint Education Committee Considers Interim Topics