Computer Graphics World

July/August 2014

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64 cgw j u ly . a u g u s t 2 0 1 4 P R O D U C T S Software A T M O S P H E R I C E F F E C T S Ozone Layer Newly released Ozone 2014 implements e-on so ware's technologies for the accurate simulation and rendering of atmospheric eff ects. Based en- tirely on real-world atmospheric behavior, Ozone 2014 produces ultra-realistic environments with volumetric clouds, accu- rate light dispersion, and natural phenomena such as Godrays by realistically modeling the behav- ior of our planet's atmosphere. New to the version is physically accurate sunlight modeling and deeper integration with various so ware. Ozone 2014 retails for $370. www.e-onso R E N D E R I N G Octane Boost Cloud graphics company Otoy has released OctaneRender 2, the latest version of its real-time rendering so ware boasting more than a dozen new features designed to enable realistic renders in less time than ever before. OctaneRender 2 is now available as a standalone client for approximately $400. It is also available via Octane Cloud Workstation on Amazon EC2 and as plug-ins for popular 3D modeling applications. C O M P U T I N G A New Stitch Fabric So ware rolled out Version 1.12 of Fabric Engine, the development framework for high-performance visual eff ects tools. The new version enables studios to easily harness the power of GPU computation and includes a new character tools API, as well as Splice Drawing, a highly customizable integrated real-time renderer. S T E R E O New Ocula The Foundry has launched Ocula 4, the latest version of its plug-in tool set for Nuke, designed to address problems with stereoscopic imagery. The product features rewritten engine tools and plug-ins for increased quality, accuracy, and pipeline automation, as well as simplifi ed workfl ows to ensure fast turnaround times regardless of the number of shots. Ocula 4's improved tools signifi cantly reduce the amount of manual work required when dealing with color and focus matching, rebuilding and retim- ing views, and vertical align- ment. The update also includes GPU acceleration with the same results on the CPU and GPU. C O M P O S I T I N G New Fusion Eyeon So ware's Fusion 7 features core updates that have increased speed and effi cien- cies, while its design of 2D tools in a 3D system are well suited for VFX environments. Fusion 7's 3D system and renderer import geometry from FBX and Alembic, as well as OBJ, 3DS, and Collada. Users now can have multiple 3D renderers all in one project, all integrated and rendering diff erent aspects from the same scene. Gener- ating Deep Passes, such as world position, normals, UV, and velocity, with Fusion's ability to combine 3D and 2D in a single workfl ow, is also a plus. M O D E L I N G - S I M U L A T I O N Virtual Science Dassault has introduced a new brand, BIOVIA, resulting from Dassault Systèmes' own activi- ties in biointelligence, its collab- orative 3DExperience tech- nologies, and the leading life sciences and material sciences applications from the recent acquisition of Accelrys. BIOVIA will provide enterprise-wide scientifi c, biological, chemical, and material experiences, with next-generation applications, services, and content access and delivery leveraging the 3DExperience platform. From material design to molecu- lar simulation to chemical manufacturing, it is Dassault Systèmes' vision that BIOVIA will act as a disruptive catalyst to deliver virtual scientifi c uni- verses capable of harmonizing products, nature, and life. Other B U S I N E S S Autodesk Acquisition Autodesk has signed an agree- ment to acquire Shotgun So - ware, a developer of scalable, cloud-based production track- ing, review, and asset manage- ment so ware. Shotgun's tools are used in the fi lm, television, and games industries, and tight- ly integrate with Autodesk 3ds Max and Maya so ware, among others. The transaction was expected to have closed at the end of July. July/August 2014, Volume 37, Issue 4: COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD (USPS 665-250) (ISSN-0271-4159) is published bi-monthly with special additional issues in January and July resulting in 8 issues per year by COP Communications, Inc. Corporate offi ces: 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, CA 91204, Tel: 818-291-1100; FAX: 818-291-1190; Web Address: info@ Periodicals Postage Paid at Glendale, CA, 91205 & additional mailing offi ces. COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD is distributed worldwide. Annual subscription prices are $72, USA; $98, Canada & Mexico; $150 International airfreight. To order subscriptions, call 847-559-7310. © 2014 CGW by COP Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without permission. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specifi c clients, is granted by Computer Graphics World, ISSN-0271-4159, provided that the appropriate fee is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA 508-750-8400. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom use, please contact Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA 508-750-8400. For further information check Copyright Clearance Center Inc. online at: The COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD fee code for users of the Transactional Reporting Services is 0271-4159/96 $1.00 + .35. POSTMASTER: Send change of address form to Computer Graphics World, P.O. Box 3296, Northbrook, IL 60065-3296.

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