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42 CINEMONTAGE / SEP-OCT 14 42 CINEMONTAGE / SEP-OCT 14 TECH TIPS by Joseph Herman I f you're an editor, there is a good chance that you already know about Lightworks, a powerful and professional NLE that has been used to cut a surprisingly significant list of feature films and Hollywood blockbusters, including such productions as The King's Speech, Hugo, L.A. Confidential, Pulp Fiction and The Wolf of Wall Street, as well as numerous television dramas, news and sports shows (see Figure 1). In fact, Lightworks has been around a surprisingly long time, since 1989. It was one of the first NLEs available alongside Avid in the springtime of the digital video revolution, and continues to be used today by film editors around the world. Veteran editors such as Tariq Anwar, ACE, who edited such films as American Beauty and The Madness of King George, have expressed a preference and fondness for the software. In August 2009, the UK- and US-based company EditShare acquired Lightworks from Gee Broadcast. Besides being the current publisher of the Lightworks editing platform, EditShare also creates and markets a wide range of other impressive products useful for editing, particularly shared-media storage, broadcast servers, end-to-end tapeless workflow solutions, media asset management and backup, and archiving solutions. A ROSTER OF FEATURES Like other powerful NLEs, Lightworks has a full roster of the kinds of features you would expect from a professional editing platform. There is support for SD, HD, 2K and 4K resolutions, a comprehensive multi-layered timeline with multiple video and audio tracks, Ya Gotta Light', Mac? THANKS TO EDITSHARE, NOW YOU DO Left, Figure 1: Lightworks' editing timeline containing a scene from The Wolf of Wall Street, edited by Thelma Schoonmaker and directed by Martin Scorsese. Below, Figure 2: Lightworks has a compre- hensive collection of effects, such as curves and color-correction, both applied here to a clip. Notice the node-based routing controls. Bottom, Figure 3: Lightworks has a multi- channel audio mixer, pictured here under the content manager.