The Tasting Panel magazine

JULY 2011

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COCKTAILS FOR GEEKS Hunter’s Pie F photos by Rob Brown ruit purées are nothing new. As far back as I can remember, I’ve made or used a purée in one form or another. Whether I blended a vat of frozen strawberries or used a ready-made product, they’ve always played a critical role in cocktail execution, balance and creativity. Twenty years ago, I never would’ve thought about making a scratch purée, much less making a roasted fruit purée. Today, that’s all changed. The line between the kitchen and the bar has all but disappeared, and the new bar has the access to, and uses, kitchen techniques and ingredients. This cocktail, like many, is a result of that close and ever-changing relationship. OUR COCKTAIL ENGINEER PHIL ADLER HEADS FOR THE HILLS (OF MALIBU CANYON) TO THE SOUTHLAND’S HISTORIC HUNTING LODGE Saddle Peak Lodge Wine Director/Sommelier Chris Barragan with Cocktail Engineer Phil Adler. 72 / the tasting panel / july 201 1

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