Issue link: 43 POST JULY 2014 PEOPLE NICK LITWINKO ShootersInc has appointed Nick Litwinko managing director of ShootersNYC, Dive and Bigsmack. He will be in charge of increasing the company's presence in the New York market- place. Litwinko's career began at MTV, where he became an EP/director for MTV Commercials. This inspired him to launch his own company, Rogue Creative. He also worked with Psyop in NYC as a senior producer, and at Blind, where, as an EP, he helped launch their New York office. He comes to Shooters from 1st Ave Machine. RICHARD EDLUND Hollywood-based Devil & Demon Strategy, which manufactures super-fast computers, has named VFX veteran Richard Edlund to its its board of directors. The winner of seven Academy Awards, Edlund brings a depth and breadth of experience in motion picture and high-end television VFX to the company. He will consult on the develop- ment of the Devil & Demon product line to meet the needs of digital artists and studios in enter- tainment imaging worldwide. Edlund used the company's technology on VFX shots for NBC's Crossbones. KEITH HODNE Post FactoryNY has hired re-recording mixer Keith Hodne to head its audio department, which is part of a brand new facility the company is opening in Tribeca. The studio will offer color grading, offline edit rooms and screening rooms, in addition to audio services. Hodne has mixed for most major networks, including MTV, TLC, Discovery, BET and HGTV. He is currently mixing his 14th season of A&E's hit The First 48. BILL TLUSTY Method Studios, Deluxe's global VFX company in Vancouver, has named Bill Tlusty VP. He will be responsible for supervising operations and encouraging further growth at the facility, which currently employs more than 200 artists. Tlusty has worked in the VFX industry for 16 years. Most recently, he served as EP for Rhythm & Hues, where he was lead executive on Life of Pi and Snow White and the Huntsman. Prior to joining R&H in 2005, Tlusty was at ILM, working on Star Wars prequels and other blockbusters. POST MAGAZINE (ISSN 0891-5628) is published monthly by Post,LLC, a COP Communications company, 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. Subscription rates: $63 for one year in the United States & Possessions; $94 for one year in Canada and Mexico; all other countries $133 for one year. For air-expedited service, include an additional $75 per order annually. Single copies (pre- paid only): $16 in the United States; $32 in Canada and Mexico; $47 all other countries. Back issues, if available, are $32 for the U.S. & Possessions; $63 for Canada and Mexico; $94 for all other coun- tries. Include $8.00 per order plus $3 per additional copy for U.S. postage and handling. If shipping outside the U.S., include an additional $14 per order plus $5 per additional copy. Periodicals postage paid at Glendale CA 91205 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to POST, P.O. Box 3551, Northbrook, IL 60065-3551. Canadian G.S.T. number: R-124213133RT001. Publications Mail Agreement Number 40017597. Printed in the U.S.A. ©Copyright 2014 POST, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including by photocopy, recording or infor- mation storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by is granted by POST, LLC for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clear- ance Center, 222 Rosewood Dr. Danvers, MA 01923 phone: 978-750-8400 fax 978-750-4470; call for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. For those not registered with the CCC, send permission request in writing to Permissions Dept. POST, LLC 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. DEREK C. SMITH LA's Imaginary Forces has expanded its reach within the videogame industry by naming Derek C. Smith director of business development, gaming. With over 15 years of experience working in inter- active entertainment, Smith has extensive expertise within every facet of the videogame production process, from testing and publishing to develop- ment. Smith produced a number of top titles during his recent five-plus-year tenure with Sony Comput- er Entertainment America, where he was an associ- ate producer. In his new position, his main goal will be to connect IF with top companies within the gaming industry. CARLOS PENNY Carlos Penny has joined Oishii Creative as head of business development. He comes to the agen- cy with more than a decade of business develop- ment experience, including positions at produc- tion companies SD Media and Filter. Penny's foray into the creative world began in the field of healthcare, where he worked as a healthcare staff manager and recruiter. Penny oversaw more than 100 resident and travel nurses, while also handling contract negoti- ations and implementing new marketing and sales strategies. Realizing that his strengths — bringing people together, researching market trends, developing new business models, and implementing strategies — translat- ed well to the creative industry, he transitioned to business development for agencies specializing in entertainment production and branding. LORI STONEBRAKER Tool welcomes Lori Stonebraker to its commercial team as executive producer of live action. Stone- braker will work on all aspects of live action projects, from initial bidding and concept phase to post production. Stonebraker joins Tool with over a decade of production and management experience. In addition to producing award-winning TV and film projects, she has produced commercials for glob- al brands such as Lexus, McDonald's and Verizon, among others. She has also built a music video portfolio, and was nominated for "Producer of the Year" at the ACM Awards for Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet's It's Five O'Clock Somewhere. In addition to a long list of director collaborations, Stonebraker has worked with companies like Partizan, Momentum Films, Propaganda and MJZ.