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Sponsored By The Wyoming Highway Patrol Oh my goodness! It's time for another check-in about Education Support Professionals (ESPs) in Wyoming! Delegate Assembly was interesting as always, and I'm really glad we were able to have ESP lunch meetings both days! There may have only been 11 of us, but we definitely had things to say and we represented paraeducators, bus drivers, custodians, and transportation assistants. We started with introductions and then talked about some of the good things going on in our districts, from "Just For Fun" groups to working as teams to ESP local presidents and new superintendents asking for advice from the union as well as several other things. Bob McCarty talked about the National Council for ESPs (NCESP) and how they keep Education Support Professionals Update by WEA ESP Representative Carole Palmer This past March four of our Education Support Professionals (ESPs), Linda Rochin, Tammy Sullivan, Mary Wolf, and Wyoming's ESP of the Year Darrel Repshire, and I attended the NEA National ESP Conference in San Francisco. We were joined by over 900 other ESP members from NEA accountable for ESP issues at the national level. He encouraged all ESPs to become members of NCESP; if anyone is interested in joining, contact Bob at Mary Wolf briefly spoke about the ESP conference in San Francisco and what a great networking experience it was, along with all the great breakout sessions. The conference will be in New Orleans next year. There is a Bus Road-eo in Casper in June that's always interesting, and the Wyoming Custodian Association is having their conference mid-June in Lander. I also think joining the ESP listserv is a good idea. You can find it on the NEA website at and, while it doesn't appear to be as active as it used to be, there are still some great ideas out there. They recently had a webinar about Common Core; here is the link, if you would like to view it: https://eventsna5. connect/c1/932539447/en/ events/event/shared/1362965041/ event_landing.html?sco- id=1368285072&_charset_=utf-8 Please remember, if you have anything regarding ESP issues that you would like to be brought up at the state level, my email is I will be there to listen and help if I can. I'm also always open to ideas for workshops or trainings that you would attend if presented, so please don't hesitate to let me know. Hope you all have a great summer, whether working or enjoying some time off! NEA's National ESP Conference around the country for the three- day conference. The conference brought together trainers and active ESP members as presenters in one of four tracks: Advocacy and Economics, Leadership and Organizing, Elevating ESP Careers, and Technology and Communication. The professional excitement was contagious as we participated in the different workshops. It was also a proud moment for Wyoming as Darrel was introduced and spoke briefly as our state's ESP of the Year at the awards dinner. We had the privilege to hear both NEA President Dennis Van Roekel and Vice President Lily Eskelsen Garcia as keynote speakers. President Van Roekel commended the ESPs on their dedication to the education profession and told them it took audacity and courage to do the work they do in our schools. As a result, their efforts give them collective power within their districts, states, and nation. I would strongly encourage Locals to send some of their ESP members to next year's ESP conference, which will be held in New Orleans. Some districts may have professional development funds that could help to offset some of the cost. SUMMER 2014 | 15 by WEA UniServ Director/ESP Staff Liason David Holt ICI WEA.indd 17 6/26/14 3:21 PM