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Black Meetings & Tourism April/May 2009: 3 CONTENTS C O V E R S T O R Y C O V E R S T O R Y B L A C K M E E T I N G S & T O U R I S M 72 72 The South is turning on the charm, ramping up the fun, spotlighting the region's rich African-American heritage and moving toward a greener hospitality industry. All of which are excellent reasons for reading The African- American Guide to Meeting, Incentives & Traveling in the South before choosing the next destination for your meet- ing on incentive program. By Sonya Stinson Looking for an exotic, relaxing and unique destination for your next meeting or incentive program but sidetracked by the growing economic crisis? Island Guide offers some affordable alternatives closer to home than you may think. By Michael Bennett VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4, APRIL/MAY 2009 47 47 T E X A S G O L D S P E C I A L T E X A S G O L D S P E C I A L A D V E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N A D V E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N Some beachfront resorts are on a mission to lure incentive and meeting planners in an effort to diversify their busi- ness mix. Beachfront Resorts Make For Memorable Meetings reports on several of them. By Solomon J. Herbert, Jr. 107 107 Try Texas, again! That's the word to meeting plan- ners, from Convention and Visitors' Bureaus across the Lone Star state. Texas' urban cities feature world-class attractions, hotels, resorts, dining and shopping, plus festivals year-round and a vast num- ber of historical attractions. By Patricia Ann Jordan 39 39 Who Will Be the Next Black CVB President/CEO? is this year's look at convention & visitors bureau across the nation in our continuing effort to document the rate of progress that African-Americans are making in the hospitality/travel industry. By Solomon J. Herbert 58 58 55 55 F E A T U R E S F E A T U R E S High on their perch as the minority face of the executive team African-American executives begin to notice a pat- tern of discrimination. Growth and promotion opportuni- ties being made available by the company are not being offered equally to all employees. How should they respond to this dilemma? Risking Your Job or Losing Your Soul? explores the possibilities. By Michael Bennett 5 Calendar of Events 8 Newsmakers 11 Letters To editor 14 Association News 16 In The News 18 Arts & Entertainment 20 Cruise News 22 Speaking of People 23 Pacesetters – Donald Sewell 25 Local Hero – Michael Munn 26 Hotel Happenings 30 TPOC News Briefs 32 Applause – Mercedes Miller 33 Religious Review 34 Museum Notes 36 Fam Report – Omni Fort Worth 37 Great Groups 38 Property Profile– Burbank Marriott 48 Travel Data 66 Property Profile – Queen Mary 67 Foodservice Beat 68 Vendor Spotlight – Akouavi Slater 70 Hospitality Heartline 71 Facilities Update 106 Site Review – Walt Disney World Resort 111 Airline Industry Report 112 From the Motherland A R E A G U I D E S A R E A G U I D E S 113 China 114 Denver 116 New Jersey 120 Chicago 121 Missouri 122 Southern California 128 Caribbean: Northern Region D E P A R T M E N T S D E P A R T M E N T S Photo Credits:Darlene C. Donloe The Bahamas