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Black Meetings & Tourism April/May 2009: 13 July 9-19 Indiana Black Expo, Inc. 39th Annual Summer celebra- tion, Indianapolis, IN. (317) 925-2702 July 11-17 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 100th Centennial Convention, New York, NY. (410) 580- 5782 July 16-19 International Society of Hypertension in Blacks 2009 Annual Summer Conference, Los Angeles, CA. For more infor- mation contact Carol Martinez, LA Inc. The Los Angeles CVB at (213) 236-2357. July 16-20 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 103rd Anniversary Convention, New Orleans, LA. (410) 554-0040 July 19-23 Wilberforce University Alumni Association WUAA Annual Alumni Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (937) 708-5707 July 19-25 National Black Prosecutors Association 26th Annual NBPA Conference & Job Fair, Memphis, TN. - July 20-23 TS2 2009, Total Solutions Marketing for the Exhibit & Event Professional, Lakeside Center at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. For more information contact Michele Nebel Peake at . July 22-25 13th Annual International African American Hotel Ownership/Tourism Summit & Trade Show, Doral Golf Resort & Spa, Miami, FL, sponsored by the National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators & Developers (NABHOOD), Black Meetings & Tourism and Horizons Marketing Group, Inc. or (954) 792-2579 July 23-26 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 2009 Leadership Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (404) 284-5533 July 24-25 Atlanta Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce Family Summit, Atlanta, GA. (770) 374-6226 July 24-31 Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York Young Adult Conference 2009, Jamaica, NY. (718) 206-4600 July 24-29 96th National Dental Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL. (202) 588-1697 July 25-29 National Medical Association Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, NV. (202) 347-1895 July 25-29 National organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives 33rd Annual Training Conference and Exhibition, Norfolk, VA. (703) 658-1529ß July 27-August 2 The National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women's Cubs, Inc. 74th National Convention, Buffalo, NY. (202) 483-4206 July 28-30 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) America's Fire & Security Expo, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, FL. July 29-August 1 National Urban League Annual Conference, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. (212) 558-5300 July 29-August 1 2009 Annual International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) Conference, Hyatt Regency San Francisco at Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA. Telephone: (804) 346-4800 FAX: (804) 346-5009 Email: July 31-August 2 National Book Club Conference, Atlanta, GA. (404) 539-7769 July 31-August 9 National Professionals Network NPN -X·WEFPYI[LEPIFVIEGLMRKMXWXSRFSH]SYXSJXLI%XPERXMG3GIER-X·WXLI PYWLERHPIEJ]KVIIRXVIIWMRSYVWXEXIJSVIWXWERHTEVOW-X·WXLI[IPPXVSHVIH FVMGOWSJXLI*VIIHSQ8VEMPIEGLSRIWXIITIHMRLMWXSV])\TPSVIEPPXLIGSPSVJYP XLMRKWXSWIIERHHSEX]SYVRI\X1EWWEGLYWIXXWQIIXMRKSVGSRZIRXMSR m a s s v a c a t i o n . c o m / g r o u p t o u r m a s s v a c a t i o n . c o m / g r o u p t o u r 8STPER]SYVRI\XQIIXMRKSVGSRZIRXMSRGSRXEGX(EKR]%WLPI] $ WXEXIQEYW1%77\ Continued on page 15