Computer Graphics World

April 2011

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THE STUDENTS OF TODAY ARE THE INDUSTRY LEADERS OF TOMORROW...... Our industry is shaped by creative minds who never stop thinking, who never stop learning, who never stop moving the industry forward—whether they are leaders in their respective industries or students ready to make their mark. Computer Graphics World and Post Magazine have joined forces to address these concerns with in-depth Education and Recruitment features each month. SPECIAL ISSUE ALERT: Each year CGW and POST collaborate to produce our highly anticipated Education and Recruitment edition. This is a stand-alone supplement with distribution in CGW and POST at SIGGRAPH and Comic-Con, and delivers to over 150 visual arts schools across the country. Don’t miss the opportunity to display yourschool or job opening! ANNUAL STUDENT SESSION AT SIGGRAPH Once again CGW will gather some of the industry’s big- gest names for a panel session for the students volunteers at SIGGRAPH, with show attendees also welcome. This is a unique opportunity to reach a great crowd of students with your product or school news. Inquire today about sponsorship opportunities. Video clips from the session will be featured on

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