Computer Graphics World

April 2011

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Web Graphics n n n n Web Page CSS3 (Rich Presentation) HTML5 (Static Content) JavaScript 1.9 (Interactivity) Document Object Manual (DOM) The anatomy of a modern Web page: HTML 5 is the basic layout engine for simple ele- ments, while cascading style sheets (CCS) provide flexibility—the layout engine uses CSS descriptions to create the proper Web page layout for mobile, desktops, or tablets. JavaScript dynamically works with the DOM to drive rich user interaction and gener- ate advanced Web page content. The DOM database maintains and manages all the data associated with the Web page. that exist out there in cyberland. After all, 3D gaming can be a much more integrated part of the Web experience now. (And get- ting actual work done will get that much more difficult.) Furthermore, that clunky, old VR model of 3D chat rooms could well make a return. Back then, banging into walls and talking to strangers got old really fast. Now that social networking sites, including Facebook, Twit- ter, Four Square, and others, have done such a good job of establishing social neighborhoods where people know they can go to find friends or people they’re interested in hearing from, you can still bang into walls, but at least you’ll be among friends. Right now, the experience is still gated by broadband speeds, but all that is set to change thanks to 4g, with speeds up to 100x that of 3g. As 4g is rolled out and eventually becomes affordable, 3D life online will become much more practical. It’s up to you how you’ll want to live that life. n Kathleen Maher is a contributing editor to , a senior analyst at Jon Peddie Research, a Tiburon, California-based consultancy specializing in graphics and multimedia, and editor in chief of JPR’s “TechWatch.” She can be reached at April 2011 21 CGW

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