Whole Life Magazine

April/May 2014

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/289218

Contents of this Issue


Page 7 of 43

I've been reporting on sustainable architecture for awhile, but when I fi rst came across the ultra-ener- gy effi cient principles of Passive House, I was hooked. As a nomadic freelance writer, I make sure to seek out Passive House design everywhere I roam, and I've found it is being applied in a wide variety of world climates. Suchi Rudra Though I've broken bones, endured deep cuts and suffered the sting of the bullet ant, it rare- ly occurs to me to seek medical care—Western or otherwise. To this end I'd like to acknowledge my mother, whose nervous sys- tem has taken quite a few hits by way of my daredevil tendencies; as well as the fates, who somehow manage to keep me alive and thriving. Dani Katz On a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium this past winter, I was struck by the powerful artwork in the Ocean Travelers Plastics Gallery—grim reminders of plastic's growing presence in our oceans. When our guide mentioned new research on these plastics and how they contribute to the issue of infertility, the health writer in me was immediately intrigued. Jen Jones Donatelli When I fi rst saw the artwork of Judith and Richard Lang, I was transfi xed by the harmonic beauty of their creations. Discovering that the imaginative collection was produced from plastic trash led me to dig further into their mission of plastic-pollution awareness. Gigi Ragland 8 wholelifetimesmagazine.com FINAL-WLT-APRIL-MAY.indd 8 3/30/14 7:58 PM

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