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LA's most trusted hyperbaric therapy clinic! Oxygen is crucial for healing and health! • Increase oxygen up to 600%* • Detoxify at a cellular level* • Decrease inflammation* • Stimulate stem cell production* • Promote healing* • Stimulate stem cell production* • Promote healing* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Bryan Johnson, O 2 Specialist Hyperbaric therapy greatly increases oxygen uptake Schedule with O 2 Up today! (424) 256-6287 Find us on HOW TO BUY SAFFRON There is a reason why saffron is pricey. Saffron threads are literal- ly dried stamens of crocus sativus fl owers, harvested through a labor-in- tensive process in which only three tiny strands per fl ower are handpicked within a two-week window once a year. Because it takes about 100 fl owers to make up a gram of the coveted spice, the cost is high. Today's market price can range from $90–200 per ounce. The majority of today's saffron comes from Spain under the names La Mancha, Rio, Superior or Coupe. Iranian saffron, although harder to fi nd, is more intense in fl avor. Most diffi cult to procure is Kashmiri saffron with its dark and earthy effects. Try to fi nd one of these three versions by checking your local gourmet shops or specialty spice merchants. Make sure your saffron is no less than 190 de- grees in coloring strength. This measurement denotes fl avor, aroma and how far your product will stretch. A solitary, thin strand of authentic saffron will typically be dark red with a slightly trum- peted end and an opposite thin, skinny end. Download current and back issues of Whole Life Times at www.wholelifemagazine. com www.wholelifemagazine. www.wholelifemagazine. com com photo: Brian Uyede april/may 2014 19 FINAL-WLT-APRIL-MAY.indd 19 3/30/14 7:58 PM