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that feeds it, and the quality of your conversations and abil- ity to self-disclose fuel your fi re. Creating a language and building the trust to describe what kinds of touch are plea- surable and/or painful is one of the most transformative conversations a couple can have. Togetherness means different things to different people, and having a shared defi nition cre- ates a safer and more satisfying relationship for both people. Without water, even under the best conditions nothing can grow. I use the metaphor of water in relationships to describe the ebb and fl ow of time and presence that a couple shares. Doing the daily work of tending the ecosystem of your relation- ship cultivates the orgasms that organically emerge from loving, safe relationships. Where there is no safety in building a fi re, people can get burned. A rich and complex soil will test the limits of your com- munication and your abilities to express fantasies and fears. Make regular dates for physical inti- macy and show up for each other like it is the most important thing on your schedule. Physical touch that leads to ecstatic release is like a soil enhancer releasing natural chemicals—in this case hormones and endorphins—that promote health and longevity, but also serve as the basis of biological bonding. Knowing you have the ability to reach someone in this most intimate of ways is one of the most signifi cant sources of self-esteem that relationships afford. While sharing orgasm is not enough to keep a relationship alive, the inability to move toward it is enough to kill it. There is no other single work in life that will repay you so profoundly each and every time you share it. Wendy Strgar, writer, teacher and loveologist, is the founder and CEO at Good Clean Love, makers of Almost Naked 95 per- cent-organic lubricant. BN JOB: 14M184 MEDALLION #: 113863 FILE NAME: 113863.CROSS.14M184.V1R1 CLOSE DATE: 3/24/14 RUN DATE: 4/01/14 SIZE: 3.6" X 4.75" TODAY'S DATE: 3/18/14 CHARACTER COUNT: 273 TOTAL NUMBER OF AUTHORS: 1 PUBLICATION: WHOLE LIFE TIMES MAGAZINE Project Manager Rosa Almodovar (212) 929-9130 ext:1123 LAYOUT RND: 1 VER: 1 K REG Y M C Discussion / Book Signing Tuesday, April 15th, 7PM Third Street Promenade 1201 Third Street Santa Monica (310) 260-9110 In this inspiring guide, the filmmaker behind Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead—who lost 100 pounds through a juicing regimen—shares his success story and provides easy-to-follow instructions on how to revitalize your health, overcome obesity, and kick the habits that keep you down. Get more info and get to know your favorite writers at BN.COM/events All events subject to change, so please contact the store to confirm. T:4.75 in T:3.6 in april/may 2014 15 FINAL-WLT-APRIL-MAY.indd 15 3/30/14 7:58 PM