Arizona Education Association

Summer 2014

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4 Summer 2014 x AEA Advocate Standing Strong; United in Our Purpose On paper, our mission in Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education sounds like a goal as feasible as it is worthy. It sounds like a goal that others would be quick to support. Yet, it is only in working to deliver this promise that we realize the true boldness of it. While we have an opportunity to work with many of our pro-public education friends at the capital, the truth is that our work towards our mission is often thwarted by a vocal and powerful group of extremists in the Arizona Legislature whose agenda fights, at every turn, our goal of a quality public education for every child in Arizona. This extremist group of legislators is intent on underfunding public education, suppressing Arizonans' right to vote, and squeezing the middle class out of the public education system through the privatizing of our public schools. Their stabs into public policy regularly impact our students, teachers, and education support professionals, with no commitment to public school students and no priority to the public education of over 1 million K-12 students currently in Arizona. It is against this agenda that the members of the Arizona Education Association fight and advocate for public education and our students. In sharp contrast to the rhetoric-rich, resource poor extremists – who stand for nothing and mean to tear down just about everything – AEA members take up the charge daily for our students and our profession at the capitol, in the classroom, in the bus barn, in the library, in the hallways, in our community, everywhere we can. Together, we stand strong and our voices are loud. In this issue you'll read about AEA members across the state engaged in union-led, student centered actions supporting our mission. From members testifying in committee at the Arizona legislature to young educators igniting the spark in other new members to get involved in the Association, you'll read about your colleagues and fellow AEA members keeping a promise they renew daily. On the subject of member commitment, be sure to read about Association members who once again brought to children the gift of reading during NEA's Read Across America week. This event is a great example of members at the national, state, and local levels working together, engaging with students, and collaborating with the community for a common cause. You can read more about Read Across America events on page 18. We choose public education and our public schools as the setting in which to make and deliver our promise; because we believe in our mission, in our colleagues, and our students. Armed with a clear cause and commitment, we know we accept the challenge and endure the work before us. United, we stand together in solidarity and strength. Andrew F. Morrill, President Arizona Education Association The AEA Advocate is published by the Arizona Education Association, 345 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, Arizona 85004-1532. Phone: 602-264-1774 or 800-352-5411 Fax: 602-240-6887 Email: AEA's website may be found at Permission to reprint any material originating with this publication is granted provided that credit is given to the AEA Advocate. The AEA Advocate (ISSN 0194-8849) is published in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer for $3.50 per year by the Arizona Education Association, 345 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1532. Periodicals postage paid at Phoenix, Arizona. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the AEA Advocate, 345 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1532. POINT OF VIEW by Andrew F. Morrill AEA OFFICERS Andrew F. Morrill President Joe Thomas Vice-President Nidia Lias Treasurer AEA STAFF Renae Costa Interim Executive Director Sheenae Shannon Editor Penny Skubal Graphic Design Advertising Nancy Hall Editorial Associate - 9 Summer.14advo.indd 4 3/14/14 2:58 PM

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