Arizona Education Association

Summer 2014

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No-cost NEA life insurance. You have it. But who will receive your benefit? Grandma Dad Nephew Daughter NEA ® Complimentary Life Insurance is no-cost coverage that all eligible members * receive. Your policy is now active. We just need you to tell us who should receive your benefit if the worst happens to you. Most members choose their kids. But what if your grandmother is struggling on a fixed income? Or your nephew needs college money? By naming your beneficiaries, you can help whoever needs the support most. If you've chosen beneficiaries before or have experienced a life-changing event, please reconfirm your choice. Don't wait. Name your beneficiaries now at Questions? Call 1-855-NEA-LIFE *Visit us online or call for eligibility requirements. NEA Members Insurance Trust is a registered trademark of the NEA Members Insurance Trust. DT030414 Summer.14advo.indd 17 3/14/14 2:58 PM

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