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SPRING 2014 | SPRING 2014 | WEAnews 10 Guernsey-Sunrise celebrating Dr. Seuss. The teens are FBLA members and the preschoolers are from the Early Childhood Center. Cat in the Hat is our EWC Outreach Coordinator. WEA President Kathy Ve er (The Cat) entertains a endees at the Legisla ve Spouses Organiza on luncheon. The day began with a walk with the Cat for literacy around the Capitol, and then a luncheon. The Legisla ve Spouses Organiza on asked to partner with WEA and our Read Across Wyoming Cat-a- van. The Legisla ve Spouses Organiza on donated $1000 to the WEA Cat-a-van to help with book dona ons and travel costs. Legisla ve spouses Lynn Kirkbride and Keren Meister- Emerich played the roles of Things 1 & 2. Great Things Happen Every Day is sponsored by The Wyoming Highway Patrol GREAT THINGS HAPPEN EVERY DAY First Lady Carol Mead reads to students in the Capitol Rotunda during the Read Across America event held in the Capitol March 3 rd . One of First Lady Mead's ini a ves is to tackle early childhood literacy. Mrs. Mead has a children's book, "Wyoming Firsts," published with artwork done by Wyoming high school students. The Laramie County Library also had a visit from WEA President Kathy Ve er on March 2 nd , as the library celebrated Dr. Seuss' 110 th birthday with reading, arts and cra s. Spring 2014 working.indd 10 3/14/14 4:31 PM