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SPRING 2014 | SPRING 2014 | WEAnews 4 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE We've Got Your Back 2014 Delegate Assembly is almost here. It will be held in Cheyenne at Little America on April third through the fifth. I hope that all locals are planning on having representatives there. Our guest speaker will be our NEA Vice President, Lily Eskelson- Garcia. This is Wyoming Education Association's 82nd annual business meeting, but it is much more than just a business meeting. We will be having a candidate forum with the candidates for WEA President and Vice President, along with a candidate social for all WEA candidates who are running for offices. We will be holding a budget hearing to go over our audit and the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. We will have professional development sessions during the assembly on Saturday, as well as our awards banquet on Friday night. The business of the association is the main focus of the Delegate Assembly. We will be going over all of our platforms: Legislative, Member Advocacy and Civil Rights, Membership, Negotiations, and Professional Standards and Practices, and considering proposed changes to them. The platforms are the foundations that drive the work of the Association. We will also be looking at proposed changes to the WEA Bylaws and considering New Business items that will direct the work of the WEA during the upcoming year. Last on our agenda is the approval of the 2014– 2015 WEA budget. Well, it is not all work. We do have our annual PACE fundraiser on Friday night after our awards banquet. This year we are having a 60's theme, so dust off your hippie clothes and get your picture taken in our PACE photo booth. You can also vote for the Region with the best 60's lip sync performance. It is all for a good cause: to raise money to elect pro-education candidates in Wyoming. Spring 2014 working.indd 4 3/14/14 4:30 PM