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SPRING 2014 | SPRING 2014 | WEAnews 24 WEA President Meet Your 2014 WEA Election Candidates I am a leader who has the knowledge, contact, and support of members to work with educational leaders in Wyoming and the nation, a leader who will organize members from the grassroots level to make a difference, a leader who has a knowledge of the budget to use dues dollars effectively. Please vote for me to make WEA powerful again! WEA Vice President I am running for WEA Vice President because I am committed to the mission, values, and goals of the Association. I want to continue with what I started as the WEA Treasurer - open, honest, and frank discussions about how to move our Association forward and become stronger. I also believe that we need to be the leader in the education community. Craig Williams - East Laramie County EA Jon VanOverbeke - Cheyenne Teachers EA WEA ESP Representative As the current ESP Representative to the WEA Board, I would like to keep representing this important constituency and make sure our voice continues to be heard. We are a vital part of the WEA team and need to have a strong presence. I will provide that presence and would appreciate your vote for ESP Rep. to the WEA Board. Carole Palmer - Specialists in EA WEA Ethnic Minority Representative I have been an employee of Sweetwater County School District #1, Rock Springs, for 15 years. I am a certified Business Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher and Educational Leadership Endorsement. I am also a member of WEA. I am involved with the Wyoming Latina Conference as well as the Minority Higher Education Day, which is endorsed by the University of Wyoming. Lollie Lebario - Sweetwater EA It is imperative that we rebuild our higher education presence in the WEA. I ask for your support to return to this position where I once worked with our public school members on behalf of all our students in the state. Your colleges belong in the association - and we must rediscover the mutual respect and understanding needed in association affairs. Steve Thulin - Northwest College EA As your current WEA President, I've visited every local in the state listening to the concerns of our members. I've worked hard to build strong coalitions and partnerships with other educational groups throughout the state. I fully believe in promoting quality public schools and strengthening all educational professions. I hope to continue to be your voice at the state level. Kathy Vetter - WEA I am passionate about public education, teaching, and advocating for students and employees. I would like the opportunity to be re- elected and to continue serving you as your WEA Vice President. I have been teaching in the classroom for nearly 20 years. I have been an active member at the Local, State, and National level. I would appreciate your vote. Grady Hutcherson - Goshen EA Robert "Bob" McCarty - Goshen EA As an active member, I have learned a great deal about our association during my career. My experience includes serving on the WEA Board of Directors for five years as Region President, Region Representative as well as Ethnic Minority Representative. It is my goal to increase minority involvement at the local and state level. Thank you for your support. Lisa Esquibel - Cheyenne Teachers EA WEA Higher Education Representative Doreen McGlade - Natrona County EA I am a past ESP Representative as well as Southeast Region Rep. to the WEA. I am currently the Western Region director for the NCESP and have served on many committees in the NEA. My passion is ESP's and making sure they are represented. Spring 2014 working.indd 24 3/14/14 4:31 PM